Who Would Play You In The Story Of Your Life? SEND US YOUR PICS!

Who Would Play You In The Story Of Your Life? SEND US YOUR PICS!

We all have doppelgangers or celebrities we look like or celebrities other people think we look like. Sometimes the comparison is flattering...other times not so much. Well, now we want to hear from you. Who do you think would play you in the story of your life? We gave you some examples in the slideshow below (ours are probably meaner than yours will be) and we hope you'll join in the fun! Email us a photo of yourself and a photo of the celeb (politician, actor, sports star, felon, news anchor, etc) you were separated from at birth. We'll choose the best ones and make a slideshow for you all to enjoy! Please include a name (either screen name or first name) we can use to identify you if you are chosen.


PS -- We hope the ladies of Jezebel will resubmit to our little experiment!