25 Breastfeeding Photos I Want the Whole World to See

These photos are for anyone who sees breastfeeding as indecent or sexualized. For anyone who questions its beauty, its naturalness.
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My son was only a few days old. Skin soft and pink, his face still puffy, and his eyes often closed in the deepness of sleep. He was perfect, and for days my husband and I simply sat and stared at him, awestruck by this tiny wonder that we created. This tiny wonder that now lay in the palms of my hands, his little chest rising and falling, his tiny lips parted in a perfect little "o" as he traveled the peaceful lands of deep slumber.

Before long it was his hunger that scared me; his tiny jaw would open and clamp down on my breast as he eagerly tried to suckle away. I would hold my breath from the pain as my toes curled. I'd look up at the ceiling of our living room and try to just breathe while he ate, tears running down my face as I begged for it to end. It was a day, perhaps, when I could take the pain no longer, in sobs as he latched, my arms shaking as I tried to hold him on. My mother sat with me, and my sister watched me, both wincing. "OK, this can't be normal," my sister said. She picked up her purse and flew out the door, returning moments later with a handful of nipple shields. She had grabbed them all, every size and type.

That nipple shield would allow me to continue breastfeeding long enough to get to a breastfeeding support group. It turned out, breastfeeding wasn't supposed to hurt and my son was latching improperly. How could I have known this? I could easily credit the breastfeeding support group with saving my breastfeeding experience, and providing a solace in the isolation of new motherhood. In the early days, I didn't know if I could possibly make it a week breastfeeding.

And now, almost a year later, I am still breastfeeding my son. I joke that I have breastfed this baby everywhere in the city; that if you live in St. Louis, there is a good chance you have seen my boobs. Those first few days are all but forgotten. And as we will shortly begin the weaning process, I am saddened, nostalgic and grateful for the bond it has provided us.

And so began my project, "Breastfeeding is Beautiful" -- as an exploration of the breastfeeding experience in modern America. I photographed willing breastfeeding mothers, and talked to them about their experiences. They described their time breastfeeding with words like peaceful, frustrating, cure-all. I heard the words "magic" and "powerful" to describe the calming effect of a baby at the breast. They told me about the support, or lack thereof, that they had from family members. I heard about doctors pushing formula, about lactation consultants advocating for those who didn't know the first thing about what "enough" milk looked like. Some talked about embarrassment at feeding their baby in public, others scarcely gave it a second thought. More than one thread of similarity connected these new mothers, but the greatest of all was this: the awareness that something in our society needed to change.

In the 1950s, in a changing America, breastfeeding faced a steep decline; initiation rates were only at 25 percent, meaning that 75 percent of women were choosing not to breastfeed, rather than not breastfeeding because they were unable to do so successfully.

While there are a number of factors for this, including free formula programs that discouraged breastfeeding, a lack of education and awareness, and little breastfeeding support post-birth, there was also another simple factor: breastfeeding became seen as only a necessity for the lower class. After all, if we can make a "perfect" formula, why wouldn't we use that? If you had to breastfeed your child, you clearly didn't have the money for this perfect formula. In short, breastfeeding became, well, un-classy. In the 1970s, breastfeeding rates began to increase once again, as more studies emphasized the nutritional benefits and awareness campaigns spread across the U.S.

And here we are today; so many years have gone by since shame was first stamped on a breastfeeding mother. The country stopped seeing breastfeeding as a regular part of motherhood, simply allowing it to become less normalized. Almost 75 years later, and we still feel the remnants of that shame. No longer for the act itself -- as education has taken us away from the misleading suggestion that breast milk is not as nutrition-rich for infants -- but instead, we feel the ripples of the many years when women felt the need to cover up the fact that they breastfed. We feel the ripples of many years of hiding -- so much so, that it can create a scene in public. The natural and beautiful act of breastfeeding has been stripped of its beauty by a public sphere of people who want to make the issue one of sexuality.

As a breastfeeding mother who feeds her infant unabashedly anytime and anywhere, I would dare anyone to challenge me. As mothers, we are doing the most natural thing in the world -- and in one of the most intellectually advanced nations in the world. And yet, we are being asked to justify it, to cover it up. How is it that for a nation that prides itself on advancements in its development, education and growth of sciences, one of the most basic, yet incredible things a woman's body does -- something that has allowed for and propelled the human species for thousands of years -- gets an awkward look, and a question of decency? The simple fact that feeding a helpless infant the way in which nature has perfected for us to do so makes individuals in our society uncomfortable is a telltale sign that we are not doing something right.

These photos are for our world. They are for anyone who sees breastfeeding as indecent or sexualized. For anyone who questions its beauty, its naturalness. If the Western world needs to see it over and over in the public sphere to get it back to "normal," let us start with these bold moms. It turns out, Breastfeeding is Beautiful.

I truly hope you will enjoy the photos in my "Breastfeeding is Beautiful" series. I also hope that you'll share it, pass it on, and propel this message into our culture.

My breast-feeding self portrait (with the help of my husband).

This post first appeared at SheByShe, a new women's opinion site dedicated to sharing women's voices.

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Also on HuffPost:

11 Breastfeeding Tips From Experts
Get To Class(01 of11)
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Dr. Ann Borders, an OB-GYN who works with NorthShore University HealthSystem, recommends that her patients and their partners go to a breastfeeding class before Baby is born. In class, they don't just focus on why breastfeeding matters, but what you can actually expect in those daunting first few days. And Borders doesn't just recommend this for newbie families, but also moms who may have tried breastfeeding before and found it difficult."You're not going to know everything from taking the class, but it gives you a groundwork that you can build on at the hospital once you have the nurses helping you," Borders said.Most OB-GYNs will be able to give you a referral to a breastfeeding class nearby, but if for some reason yours doesn't have any suggestions, a quick online search should bring up options in your area. (credit:Gettystock)
Don't Leave Until You Get Help(02 of11)
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When you're in the hospital or birthing center, or while you've still got your midwife with you after a home birth, make sure you speak up and ask for help getting started."Every health care person should know the basic mechanics of breastfeeding," said Mary Ryngaert, a board certified lactation consultant with the University of Florida's Center for Breastfeeding and Newborns. "I joke that the person who empties the trash [in labor and delivery] should be able to help someone latch on."Even Borders, whose professional life and research centers around breastfeeding, said that when her first baby was born, she had to ask for guidance. Women should feel 100 percent empowered to ask their care provider to help them start breastfeeding within the first hour after a vaginal birth or two hours after a C-section if the circumstances allow for it, she said. Don't leave the hospital until you've gotten the help you need. (credit:Getty)
When In Doubt, Think Skin-To-Skin(03 of11)
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There's a reason why hospitals hoping to earn the coveted "baby friendly" designation for breastfeeding support stress the importance of skin-to-skin: It works. Research shows that essential contact helps relax both the mom and baby, stimulates feeding behaviors and triggers the release of certain hormones that spur breastfeeding. Experts say it's important to do it both early -- ideally right after birth -- and often."Keeping the baby skin-to-skin as much as possible in the early days after birth is very important," Ryngaert said. "If the mother is 'touched out,' then the partner can hold the baby skin-to-skin. It still helps the baby move instinctually to what [he or she] is supposed to do."If you're not in a "baby friendly" hospital with policies in place to promote skin-to-skin, don't be discouraged. Tell your doctors and nurses that it's important to you, Borders said. As long as your baby is stable, there's no reason why they shouldn't let you hold him or her close. (credit:Getty)
Be Prepared For Engorgement(04 of11)
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Engorgement, or a feeling of heavy fullness in the breasts that can be very painful, is common several days after delivery, but Borders said a lot of women don't know to expect it because no one talks to them about it. Having a game plan in place can help curb the pain and keep women from throwing in the towel when they're sore and freaked out.She suggests an over-the-counter pain medication, like Motrin, and ice. Two bags of frozen peas can also work, Borders said, and -- bonus! -- they tend to fit nicely into nursing bras. Some women may also want to take a hot shower to express some of their milk. (credit:Getty)
Lean Back And Put Your Feet Up!(05 of11)
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Susan Burger, president of the New York Lactation Consultant Association, finds few things as irksome as telling women that they need to try specific holds. Moms hear those tips and get "all twisted up with finding the perfect position," she said.What matters most in her book is that breastfeeding mothers get comfortable, which often means leaning back a bit and putting their feet up. "If she's comfortable, it's so much easier to get the baby into a comfortable position," Burger explained. This is one area where partners can really step in, looking at moms to spot any ways in which they might be uncomfortable, then helping by giving them a pillow, a shoulder rub ... whatever. (credit:Getty)
Ask Your Partner To Sit With You(06 of11)
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Your partner, or your mom or friend can also help by agreeing to sit with you while you breastfeed. Why? Since moms are often extremely relaxed and drowsy while they're breast-feeding, your partner can agree to be on "alert" -- maybe quietly reading a book or checking e-mails -- while you get some sleep. "Invite her to take a cat nap while breast-feeding," Ryngaert said. It may sound like a simple trick, but Ryngaert said it's such an easy, often-overlooked way for women to fully relax while breast-feeding, which only increases bonding and enjoyment, and also, possibly, catch up on some much-needed sleep. (credit:Getty)
Tilt Back, Open Wide(07 of11)
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Drop your mouth down to your chest, then open your mouth. A bit tricky, no? Now tilt your head back slightly and open it again. See how much easier that is? Burger said that one of the biggest ways to help babies drink is to make sure their heads are tilted back a bit. You can help support them in that position by putting a forearm under the baby's neck, or even a rolled-up receiving blanket."There are a lot of different ways to achieve it," she said. (credit:Getty)
Think Close, Close, Close(08 of11)
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While experts may not poo-poo specific holds, at least ones a professional hasn't personally recommended for you and your baby, they do offer broader positioning advice: "I like to see the baby and mother have almost no space between them," Ryngaert said."You're not just putting your breast in their mouth, you're really bringing your bodies together," she said. That helps babies bring a big, wide open mouth to the breast, giving them the deep attachment that they need. If you're not sure what that means, a good first place to look is the internet: There are videos online that demonstrate the concept, Ryngaert said, and places like La Leche League have helpful illustrations as well. (credit:Getty)
Pump In Short, Frequent Bursts(09 of11)
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Burger said that one of the mistakes women can make is to focus too much on duration and not enough on the frequency of pumping. Often they're too hard on themselves, sitting there for long stretches and pumping away in an attempt to produce more milk, when really, they'd be better served by just a few minutes here and there throughout the day.Burger likened it to training for a marathon: "You wouldn't just go out and run 13 miles," she said. "If you're just starting out, you'd try a mile or two and do that three or four times a week. That's a much better approach." In the same vein, if you can work it into your schedule, frequent, brief bouts of pumping help build milk supply better than sitting there, rather helplessly, and pumping for one long stretch. (credit:Getty)
Don't Just Deal With Sore Nipples(10 of11)
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Borders said that women shouldn't just write off sore nipples -- which can sometimes become so bad they don't want to breast-feed at all. She recommends something called Newman's all-purpose ointment, which your pharmacist can mix for you. For women who don't have thrush (a generally harmless yeast infection) La Leche League also recommends applying freshly expressed breast milk to your nipples, which can help them heal. The bottom line? If your nipples hurt, don't just accept it. Talk to your doctor about what might be causing it and what you can do. (credit:Getty)
Know When To Call(11 of11)
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"Make sure you leave the hospital with the number for someone you can call with questions," Borders said. Many pediatricians offices now have lactation consultants on staff, which makes it easier for women to find someone who can offer guidance when you're they're in for one of those many new baby visits that happen after birth.In many cases, lactation consultants are covered by insurance, Ryngaert said, but places like La Leche League also have a call system where you can speak to someone for free. Many nurses and pediatricians are also board certified lactation consultants, which can help with insurance coverage. Women shouldn't feel pressure to figure everything out in the first week, Ryngaert said. "If a baby needs to go on formula for a time while the mother's milk supply is being established, that doesn't mean the baby's not going to be breastfed," she added. "I've seen babies that didn't latch on until eight weeks."But new moms should never, ever hesitate to ask for help."If a mother is having more than a little tenderness, she should not just tough it out. She should get some help" Burger said. "And if that person says, 'Oh, it's normal, suck it up,' that's not a good person to get help from, and they should see someone else." (credit:Getty)

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