Emma Watson's Brother Alex Becomes Sought-After Male Model (PHOTOS)

Emma Watson's Brother Alex Becomes Sought-After Male Model (PHOTOS)

Watch out, Emma Watson! It's her 17-year-old brother Alex who is turning heads in the fashion world. He's one of the industry's hottest male models, thanks to his famous sister. He told Vogue UK:

"I was actually shopping for a suit in Burberry to wear at one of Emma's Harry Potter premiere's when someone from the brand approached and said 'I think you should meet with Christopher [Bailey]. It was such a shock but it was a pretty good gig. Emma's been really great - we get on very well but it's good to have her there to give me tips. Her main one is to relax and don't be scared. Easier said than done though. She's just so efficient!"

So far, the younger Watson seems to have his pretty head on straight, explaining, "Castings are a bit tense. Everyone's eyeing each other up and down--it's horrible. I never worry about food or how I look though. All beauty is subjective."

Check out some images of Alex and Emma from their Burberry campaign:

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