Nancy Pelosi On Pete King's Presidential Talk: 'Was He Serious?' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Pelosi's Withering Response To Pete King's Presidential Desires

WASHINGTON -- New York Republican Rep. Pete King has been stoking talk of running for president in 2016 over the last couple days, saying someone needs to take on the Ted Cruz/Rand Paul wing of the GOP.

He's already facing some skepticism.

Asked on Friday about what she thought of a White House bid from the former chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had a telling response. She smiled and asked in return, "Was he serious?"

Pelosi went on to allow that King, an outspoken supporter of national defense and aggressive homeland security tactics, was "a great guy and I like him personally."

But her incredulity may be well-founded. In 2010, King was a leading possible GOP contender to take on then-appointed Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in her bid to be elected to the office. And while it was perhaps the best chance in more than a decade for a Republican to win a Senate seat in New York, King passed after a public flirtation with the idea.

One of the challenges King faced was raising the cash necessary for an expensive contest, and he decided to stick with his perch in the House as head of the Homeland Security Committee. He had to step down from that job at the start of this Congress, however, because House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) declined to let him stay beyond the six-year term limit the GOP has on chairmanships.

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Before You Go

Distinguishable Members Of Congress
Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.)(01 of14)
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Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) is rarely seen without one of her signature, colorful, wide-brimmed hats. She's even said she has hundreds of hats in her collection. (credit:U.S. Congress)
Sen. John Boozman (R-Ark.)(02 of14)
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Boozman hears his constituents loud and clear. The Arkansas senator has some of the most distinctive ears in the House. CORRECTION: This slideshow originally identified Boozman as a member of the House. We have updated to reflect he is a Senator from Arkansas. (credit:U.S. Congress)
Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.)(03 of14)
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Though political opponents, including Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), have attempted to use Grijalva's mustache against him, he and his facial hair have risen above their enemies. (credit:U.S. Congress)
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)(04 of14)
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Rep. DeLauro's short, dark hairdo makes her stand out. She's also known to wear some distinctive glasses and dynamic outfits. Some would even say she's a "hipster." (credit:U.S. Congress)
Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.)(05 of14)
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Lankford's bright red hair stands out in the sea of salt-and-pepper congressmen. (credit:U.S. Congress)
Speaker Of The House John Boehner (R-Ohio)(06 of14)
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Boehner's striking blue eyes are perhaps the most unusual pair in Congress. Also, his skin is orange. (credit:U.S. Congress)
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.)(07 of14)
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Wasserman Schultz's curly blonde hair can't be missed. An October 2012 Vogue makeover called attention to the Florida representative's style.
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.)(08 of14)
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King has made some eyebrow-raising remarks, so it's a good thing his brows are some of the most memorable in all of Congress. (credit:U.S. Congress )
Rep. Al Green (D-Texas)(09 of14)
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Most of the men in Congress opt for the clean-shaven look. While the few with facial hair favor the mustache, Green goes all out. (credit:U.S. Congress)
Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.)(10 of14)
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Rep. Duckworth is the first Asian-American woman elected to Congress in Illinois, the first member of Congress born in Thailand and the first woman with disabilities to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. For many reasons she's one of the strongest and most recognizable members of the House. (credit:U.S. Congress)
Rep. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.)(11 of14)
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Noem is more than just a pretty face. Last year, after getting voted hottest freshman in congress, she brushed off the accolade, saying she'd rather the attention be given to her lawmaking skills. (credit:U.S. Congress)
Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.)(12 of14)
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Rep. Engel has donned the same mustache since he was first elected to Congress in the early 1990s, making his facial hair the most reliable and recognizable in the House. (credit:U.S. Congress )
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii)(13 of14)
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Gabbard stands out from the crowd as the first American Samoan and the first Hindu member of Congress. (credit:U.S. Congress )
Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass.)(14 of14)
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Kennedy looks strikingly like his famous family members and political predecessors. (credit:U.S. Congress)