Roadkill: OffTheBus's Ongoing RoundUp of the Awkward, the Ugly, and the Just Plain Weird

Huck picks prosperous preacher. Kucinich sells voting machines. Rudy and Mitt don't play well together. Gun owners would have a friend in Fred.
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Huck picks prosperous preacher. Kucinich sells voting machines. Rudy and Mitt don't play well together. Gun owners would have a friend in Fred.

The following piece was produced through the Huffington Post's OffTheBus. Edited by Richard Riehl and Denise Wheeler. Reported by Kirsten Anderson, Ken Bank, River Curtis-Stanley, Jodi Lampert, Julie Pierce, Debbi Plummer, and Theresa Weathers.

Fred the shootist: A spokesman for Thompson said he should be the choice for people who think gun rights are important. "Gun owners would know they're with one of their own in the White House if he gets elected," said spokesman Jeff Sadosky, who said he did not know how frequently Thompson handled guns either hunting or otherwise. Of course, we all know how frequently Fred shoots himself in the foot.

Huckabee's televangelist teammate needs your prayers: Shortly after Huck announced he will team up with Texas televangelist Kenneth Copeland to lure faith-based voters, the TV preacher became the target of a Senate investigation into his ministry's finances. Copeland's CD collection, From Running Out to Running Over, is advertised on his website as a study that will "help you see that God really does want you to be prosperous." Do you suppose Copeland will ask God to testify in his defense?

Giuliani's win-win solution to immigration: Rudy explained last week how his plan for a virtual border fence will protect us while opening up the border for expanded legal immigration. "And then you make it possible for them to do it in a legal way...with a tamper-proof ID card, showing identification, identifying themselves, showing them the benefits of coming in here, and working legally and paying taxes." Does Rudy really believe a fence will keep the bad guys out AND turn them into good citizens?

Huck makes "whoopie" in Carolina: Campaigning in South Carolina with pro-wrestler Ric Flair, known for his "Whooo!" yell, Mike Huckabee noted Arkansas's upset win over LSU. Referring to the Razorbacks' rallying cry, he said, "Just remember that the first part of 'Whooo, pig, sooie!' is 'Whooo!'" As Mike Dukakis would say, how about a little less whooo-do and a little more can-do.

Own a little piece of history: On the Kucinich website, at the bargain-basement price of $219.95, you can buy a Palm Beach County Election 2000 voting machine. Not only will the famous machine containing actual chads be yours, but a replica butterfly ballot, plus a bonus letter "The Stolen Presidential Election of 2000" personally signed by Dennis Kucinich.' Checks should be made payable to the Progressive Store.

Can the preacher take a punch? When asked who's tougher, Chuck Norris or Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee replied, "I was in Chuck's gym down at his home. He's pretty tough, but, you know, just in a punching fight? Hillary would be pretty tough."

This sandbox isn't big enough for both of them: Giuliani says the only reason Romney leads in the polls is because of all the money he's poured into the campaign out of his own pocket. This after Rudy declared he would keep things positive. He now says Romney and others started it. "It's because they criticized me. Notice I haven't criticized anyone who hasn't criticized me." Earlier, Romney accused Rudy of desperation and hypocrisy after Rudy attacked his judgment for appointing a judge who released a convicted killer. Looks like Mitt and Rudy need a timeout.

What makes Hillary run? Declaring herself "by far" the most electable candidate, Hillary says she doesn't take GOP criticism personally. "I drive the Republicans crazy because they've spent hundreds of millions of dollars attacking and defaming me," she said. "I don't care. I mean, if that's how they want to spend their time and money, let them do it. Ultimately, I trust the American people." We wonder if that includes the new Facebook group called "Hillary Clinton: Stop Running For President And Make Me A Sandwich."


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