Free Falling: When Your GPS Goes Rogue

Have you ever followed your GPS when it's gone rogue? It's recalculating and recalculating and you have no choice but to do what it says because you have absolutely no idea where you are. That's what taking risks are about too.
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Free falling -- the exhilaration of flying and not really being sure of how safely you'll land. Isn't that why we go on scary rides at amusement parks, drive a little too fast and even fall in love? For some, taking risks is a way of life and for others something to avoid at all costs. But to live life to its fullest, taking risks is practically a prerequisite.

I call it free falling -- when there is something you must do, are almost destined to do and although you cannot find the logical reason to do so, will do. Even with that said, how many times have you felt that way and STILL not done it?

You see, a free-fall is a heart decision. It is not a decision made in your head.

A heart decision has a distinct sensation of its own. It is a deep resonance in your chest -- as focused as a pin's head and yet it can carry the impact of a runaway train. Upon the decision, it is quiet, but upon considering to take action, we start to feel the acceleration and scary abandon of the free fall.

The free fall, like jumping out of an airplane, is high adrenaline, high risk and logically flawed. However, most of the time you land on your feet and learn something from it. It's fear and excitement coursing through you at the same time.

I invite you to revisit your desires for this year and reevaluate them with your heart. Which
ones still speak to you? Which ones hurt because they have lived there too long without any action to move it forward? Which ones require a free fall? Giving up all logic and reason, which requires action you can no longer deny? It may be time to go rogue.

A few months before my first book, Take Yourself to The Top, was published, way back in those crazy '90s, I saw Ken Blanchard speak at a meeting in New York City. I was so inspired by him and so moved by what he had to say that the next day, I wrote him a letter (yes, before email was widespread!) asking if he would endorse my upcoming book. This was a free fall.

It was a risk. My head knew it would be great to have Ken's endorsement and it also argued that I was a peon and barking up the wrong tree. My gut was too freaked out for me to hear it, but my heart was all for it. My heart was tickled pink by Ken.

As it turned out, I received a lovely letter (are you old enough to remember those days?) from Ken saying he could not support me that time around, but anyone who has read my second book would know that Ken graces the cover of my book with his words.

Over the ensuing years, fate and a beloved mutual contact brought Ken and I together to work together and share a speaking stage or two. Our connection also led to me introducing his son to a dear friend of mine for business reasons and later officiating their wedding.

The moral of the story is: Your free fall may not have an instant return, but if you can give up the need to know the outcome, it may make sense to you down the road.

Have you ever followed your GPS when it's gone rogue? It's recalculating and recalculating and you have no choice but to do what it says because you have absolutely no idea where you are. That's what taking risks are about too. You have some structure for the decision, you have an idea of where you want to get to, but you have to trust a heck of a lot of empty air (the unseen) to make it. Just going blind.

This is as good a time as any. Feel the heart, conceive the risk and take the FREE FALL.

Good luck.

For more by Laura Berman Fortgang, click here.

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