Tuesday's Morning Email: Obama, Putin Speak for First Time Since June

Tuesday's Morning Email: Obama, Putin Speak for First Time Since June

“President Obama had his first face-to-face conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin since June on Tuesday, seeking to make headway on their bitter standoff over the conflict in Ukraine. The two leaders, whose relations have turned icy over Moscow’s backing of separatist violence, spoke three times for a total of 15 to 20 minutes on the sidelines of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum here. Their discussions also included nuclear negotiations with Iran and the security situation in Syria, said Bernadette Meehan, spokeswoman for the National Security Council. She did not elaborate on the outcome of the talks.” Putin also allegedly hit on China’s first lady. [WaPo]

The president announced his support for the “‘strongest possible rules to protect net neutrality,’ endorsing a popular proposal that would empower the Federal Communications Commission to require Internet service providers to treat all web traffic equally and not charge content providers for better access.” You can read his whole plan here. And Ted Cruz thinks this is “Obamacare for the Internet.” [HuffPost]

Employee information may be compromised. [AP]

“A South Korean ferry captain was sentenced Tuesday to 36 years in prison for negligence and abandoning passengers when his ship sank earlier this year, but the court acquitted him of homicide, concluding there was no proof he knew his actions would cause the more than 300 deaths that shocked and outraged the country.” [AP]

After the New York City doctor, Craig Spencer, was declared free of the deadly disease yesterday. [WaPo]

The secretary of state left to brief President Obama in China. [WSJ]

“Mormon leaders have acknowledged for the first time that the church’s founder and prophet, Joseph Smith, portrayed in church materials as a loyal partner to his loving spouse Emma, took as many as 40 wives, some already married and one only 14 years old. The church’s disclosures, in a series of essays online, are part of an effort to be transparent about its history at a time when church members are increasingly encountering disturbing claims about the faith on the Internet.” [NYT]


“A New York City clinic where Joan Rivers suffered a fatal complication during a medical procedure made several errors, including failing to keep proper medication records and snapping cellphone photos of her while she was unconscious, state health investigators said Monday. Rivers, who was 81, died Sept. 4. New York City's medical examiner found she died of brain damage due to lack of oxygen after she stopped breathing during an endoscopy days earlier.” [AP]

Apparently, being a master plagiarizer does not help your law career. [The New Republic]

“Cybersecurity researchers have warned that a bug in Apple Inc's iOS operating system makes most iPhones and iPads vulnerable to cyberattacks by hackers seeking access to sensitive data and control of their devices.” [Reuters]

In the music video for “Blank Spaces,” she’s every bit as crazy as the media makes her out to be. [HuffPost]

But everyone still loves Jennifer Lawrence. [HuffPost]

The way you stack the pillows is critically important. [Fatherly]

It IS possible! [HuffPost]

“Phone bans at concerts have become common practice for artists who are sick of looking out at a sea of glowing phones and playing to an obnoxiously large percentage of fans who are watching the show through a tiny screen.” Just remember: it’s better live. [HuffPost]

“Over the last month, auto analysts say, consumers have shown a fresh interest in the kind of SUVs — Hummers, Lincoln Navigators, Ford Explorers — that typified America’s bigger-is-better mindset of twenty years ago. The new mindset among some car buyers is one of the most unexpected consequences of a domestic oil boom that has helped cause global crude prices to plummet in recent months, with the cost of a gallon of gas now below $3.” Here’s a chart depicting the correlation between gas prices and truck sales. [WaPo]


“Ask anyone who has ever worked with, dealt with or interacted with [Loretta] Lynch and they will tell you that she is fair, courageous and serious when it comes to upholding the law … Though she was extremely dedicated and always balanced, she never sought headlines; for her it was always about doing effective work.” [HuffPost]

~ In honor of Veterans Day, here’s how you can thank veterans for their service every day.

~ Meryl Streep, Tom Brokaw and Stevie Wonder to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

~ You can now edit your Instagram captions.

~ Target is officially encroaching on Thanksgiving this year.

~ George W. Bush painted this portrait of him and his dad, and one time he went on a blind date with Tricia Nixon.

~ Glenn Beck revealed he is suffering from severe mysterious neurological problems.

~ This is the moment Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert say they fell in love.

~ Here’s happened in New York when people tried to tag Banksy’s work.

~ These five NBA players make more than LeBron.

Send tips/quips/quotes/stories/photos/events/scoops to Lauren Weber at lauren.weber@huffingtonpost.com. Follow us on Twitter @LaurenWeberHP. And like what you're reading? Sign up here to get The Morning Email delivered to you.