Lindsey Wixson Talks About Recent Runway Fall, Being Bullied In Middle School

Lindsey Wixson Talks About Recent Runway Fall, Being Bullied In Middle School

Vogue UK caught up with model-of-the-moment Lindsey Wixson to talk about how she was discovered, what it's like to be the face of McQueen and pre-runway show jitters.

Speaking of, the 17-year-old bombshell took quite a spill, and then another and another on Naomi Campbell's Fashion For Relief runway earlier this week. But the girl seems to have the right attitude, telling the British glossy, "I'm over it all already. It was a mixture of the dress being too long and me walking too fast. I think I hadn't had enough water, I was maybe a bit dehydrated." Lesson learned about the liquid bit, we hope.

You're known for your gorgeous lips and gap-toothed smile, are these features you've always been aware of?

"I was actually always really self-conscious about my gap. In middle school, this group of girls were always trying to beat me up - they called my gap a parking lot. It was a really awkward time. I remember first mentioning to the girls I used to sit next to at lunch that I was looking for a model agent, and then the next week they came in with a list of things they didn't like about me. I felt skinny and tall - it was the worst time of my life. But I don't feel like that anymore. Modelling has really helped build my confidence."

Do you foresee yourself doing modelling long term?

"Actually I'd like to progress in singing. I'm not a poet though and I find it hard to write. I would need a push to help me get the emotions out. I'm reading a lot at the moment to help me to write more like I speak. I love singing, it lifts my spirit."

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