Sarah Ferguson: I've Got A Great Pair Of Bosoms

Sarah Ferguson: I've Got A Great Pair Of Bosoms

Sarah Ferguson sat down with Australia's New Idea to talk about her updated views on body image.

The 51-year-old Duchess of York apparently posed in a swimsuit and told the magazine, "I love my hands and wrists and ankles and hair and eyes. I've got a really good waist and a great pair of bosoms. Plus the pins aren't bad!"

The Telegraph adds that Fergie revealed she's now a comfortable size 12, however she wasn't always at ease with her weight.

She remarked, "If you've been called fat and ugly and lots of names when you're growing up, as I was, you believe it the whole of your life....It meant that I never thought I was pretty. On my wedding day I was a good weight and I looked really beautiful but I didn't see that."

The issue hits newsstands down under April 11.

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