Shawn Mount Rape Charges Dropped

Rape Charges DROPPED

Page Six reports that all charges have been dropped against hairstylist Shawn Mount, husband of Chanel model Heidi Mount, according to London's Scotland Yard.

In September, Shawn was reportedly arrested for suspicion of raping another model during London Fashion Week. He was released on bail and went on to work at Milan Fashion Week.

At the time, Scotland Yard police department released the following statement:

"We received a complaint of a serious sexual assault at 1.30am on September 20 at a central London hotel. The 24-year-old victim was referred to the Haven Centre (a victim support centre). A 30-year-old man was arrested on September 21 on suspicion of rape and bailed to return to a London police station in November. He has not been charged and we are still investigating."

The victim was never named.

Shawn now told Page Six, "I am so relieved that this is over. I have always maintained my innocence." Heidi said, "We are still together. Nothing about these false accusations has changed our relationship."

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