What Being 'Dadly' Means To Me

"Dadly," to me, means dancing the tango with my little girls wrapped in my arms around the living room. "Dadly," to me, means using super glue on their 700-piece My Little Pony set that won't stay together.
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When I think of the word "dadly," I think of guys not being afraid to be themselves and let their dad flag fly, no matter what anyone thinks. The Urban Dictionary describes "Dadly" as being "in a satisfying and proud macho father way." But I think it also means being a sensitive, caring, nurturing, fun, crazy, serious, loving and vulnerable father. "Dadly," to me, means being the best father I can be and yes... that comes with a deep sense of pride.

"Dadly," to me, means dancing the tango with my little girls wrapped in my arms around the living room.

"Dadly," to me, means using super glue on their 700-piece My Little Pony set that won't stay together.

"Dadly," to me, means singing the kids to sleep at night... even if it's Bon Jovi... and even if it hardly qualifies as singing.

So, when Hogan Hilling and Al Watts came to me and said they were planning a new book, Dads Behaving Dadly 2 -- a sequel to their original -- and asked if I'd contribute to the book, I was very honored. They chose one of two essays I submitted. I won't spoil the surprise, but like many dadmissions stories, there are laughs, there are tears (usually mine) and there is a visual image that will be burned into your mind forever (of me).

Dads Behaving Dadly 2 is a compilation of essays from fathers across every section of life. As it should be. We're all different and we're all being Dadly in our own unique way. The book comes out in June, just in time for Fathers Day and it is now for sale on pre-order from Amazon.

Yes, this dad is in a book... along with some other very talented writers. I hope you'll check it out and in the meantime... let me know what dadly means to YOU.

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