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Worst Holiday Gifts EVER: Things You Hope Won't Show Up Under The Christmas Tree

These Are The Worst Holiday Gifts EVER

Great gifts are awesome.

Terrible gifts are not.

Want to avoid the drama this year? Our friends at Western Union have a time-tested solution for the giving season: Tell your family to skip the wrapping and send money. Nothing says "I love you" like fifty buckeroos!

Ugly Sweaters
Some sweaters are so ugly they are incredible. That is clearly not what we mean. We are talking about sweaters that are just regular-style ugly, like when your aunt thinks she knows what is really "trendy" these days and the department store was having a sale on cargo/pink mix clothing.
Lotion And/Or Soap Sets
Nothing says "you are a girl but I know nothing about your personality" like a cucumber melon body soap and matching hand cream.
Surprise Pets
Unwanted responsibility? Check. Destroyed furniture? Check. Emotionally scarring pet funeral after finally coming around to loving the little furball? CHECK CHECK CHECK.
Anything 'Made With Love'... But Unwearable
I mean, thanks for the effort?
A Heartfelt Ballad
You are not Elton John, and your gift is NOT your song.
Inspirational Paraphernalia
Jessica Leader
I am aware there is no I in team, sisters are for sharing laughter and wiping tears, and that every day is a bright new beginning. No need to drink out of a mug that tells me so.
Curveball counterpoint: One can never have enough taco socks and sports sandals.
Gifts You've Clearly Grown Out Of
Or maybe this is THE perfect way to carry books between classes at law school.
Tech Accessories For A Device You Don't Own
Know what would be even cooler than a case for a smartphone? An actual smartphone.
Tech Accessories That Are Completely Outdated
1998 called, they want their CD case back.
Box from a different store? Scotch-taped? An obscure food item/hideous vase/fondue set? WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID THERE.
Unless it comes with a glitter pen, because those things are super fly.
For You (But Really For Them)
Oh, you mean you DON'T want two tickets to this ridiculously expensive metal concert I've wanted to see? But you dropped so many hints!
Anything Christmas Themed
The perfect ensemble for when you want to do gymnastics/go swimming/attend an aerobics class on Christmas Day, but really pointless the rest of the year.
A Contribution To Your Collection...
From twelve years ago. Thanks for the thirty stuffed cats you bought for me off the internet!
True story: I have gotten coupons as gifts not once, not twice, but THREE times. Thanks for all your junk mail, I didn't have enough of my own!
Fake Personalized Magazine Cover
Jaclyn Bernstein
This is just a sad reminder that YOU WILL NEVER BE FAMOUS. YOU FAIL.
Skip the drama. Just send cash. Happy holidays!

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