25 Reasons to Visit Romania: Sibiu

Explore the old city center with its upper town, home to the most historic sites, and the lower town, lined with colorful houses and cobblestone streets. Sibiu makes an ideal base for the exploration of the nearby countryside and villages.
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All photos by Vlad Semen

Sibiu is one of the most important cultural centres of Romania and was designated the European Capital of Culture in 2007, along with the city of Luxembourg.

The city's cultural heritage doesn't need any presentation, nor do its famous squares and the windy streets crossing the Old Town. But the lovely Christmas Market taking place here in the winter, the medieval festivals in the fall, the blooming trees' fragrance shrouding Sibiu in the spring, or the lovely summertime over this ancient settlement are some delightful experiences that need to be witnessed and enjoyed by any traveler. Formerly the centre of the Transylvanian Saxons, the old city of Sibiu was ranked as "Europe's 8th most idyllic place to live" by Forbes.

Nowadays, Sibiu is a bustling, modern city, quickly upgrading its roads and other infrastructure. The old city is the main attraction for tourists and locals alike, with beautifully restored colourful buildings and often a carnival atmosphere.

Explore the old city center with its upper town, home to the most historic sites, and the lower town, lined with colorful houses and cobblestone streets, bounded by imposing city walls and defense towers overlooking the river Cibin. Sibiu makes an ideal base for the exploration of the nearby countryside and villages.

Sibiu has its own airport, where you can land from Munich, Stuttgart, Vienna and from other european cities. Sibiu is also close to Bucharest, at only 215 km.

When you arrive here, in the heart of Transylvania, I recommend you to accommodate in a romantic, amazing place. The Council is not just a hotel, but also a fairytale. It's in the center of the town and has 10 beautiful, original and huge rooms with a design that will make you fall in love in a second.

What to do:

- walk around the city and admire the buildings and people

- be happy like a child at the Christmas Market

- go to the museums

- party in bars, cafes and clubs

- eat delicious traditional dishes

- visit Transylvania.

If you have one or two extra days, I recommend you to visit Sighisoara, a small medieval town at just 90 km from Sibiu.

Part of UNESCO World Heritage List, Sighisoara is one of the prettiest and best preserved inhabited citadels in Europe. Home to the notorious Vlad the Impaler, the character who inspired Bram Stocker's Dracula, the city depicts a mythical bygone world, with locals carrying their lives through an indefinite time, a fairytale of surreal candy houses and legends entwined between its towers, ramparts and cobblestone alleys.

I would recommend Sibiu & Sighisoara to anyone in search of an authentic experience, no matter your cultural or artistic preferences, regardless of your age or style.

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