Best Parenting Tweets: What Moms And Dads Said On Twitter This Week

Our Favorite Tweets From Parents This Week
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Awards season is here. The 2013 Oscar nominations were announced this week, and reactions came pouring in on Twitter. Why was Ben Affleck snubbed in the Best Director race? And what about Kathryn Bigelow!? Parents, however, had their own questions. Allana Harkin summed up our concerns somewhat perfectly: "'I haven't seen even one of these films and won't until they're on Netflix.' Every parent with children under the age of 5." Other moms and dads simply suggested appropriate award categories for their children. And an actual nominee chimed in with perhaps the most precious tweet of the week...

Check out what Best Actress nominee Helen Hunt's daughter said to her about scoring a nod for her performance in "The Sessions," and click through the gallery for more adorable and empowering quips in 140 characters.

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