Couple With Down Syndrome Celebrates 22nd Anniversary, Proves Critics Wrong

Their love is an inspiration to so many.

When U.K. couple Maryanne and Tommy Pilling, who both have Down syndrome, married in 1995, naysayers said their relationship wouldn’t last. But 22 years later, they’re still going strong. 

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The Pillings will be celebrating 22 years of marriage this July.

Maryanne’s sister Lindi Newman has long been supportive of the couple ― even early on in their relationship when their love was met with criticism. 

“People were saying things like it was wrong,” Lindi told The Huffington Post. “What did my mum think she was doing by allowing them to date and then to get married. People said it wouldn’t last.” 

But just look at them now: 

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Their love is an inspiration to so many.

Lindi even created a Facebook page named “Maryanne and Tommy,” where she posts photos and updates about their inspiring relationship. It now has more than 17,000 followers. 

“They are the happiest people I have ever known, they truly love one another from the bottom of their hearts,” Lindi told HuffPost. “They’re always cuddling, always laughing. They lived with us for seven years after they were married and have now lived independently for 15 years with help, of course.”

The Pillings first met in 1990 at a local training center for people with learning disabilities. 

“The day Maryanne met Tommy she came home with the biggest smile on her face,” Lindi told the Daily Mail. “She couldn’t stop talking about him and asked if he could come for dinner.”

Eighteen months later, Tommy popped the question. In July 1995, they were married at St. Mary’s Church in Essex. 

“My wedding was the best day of my life,” Maryanne told the Daily Mail. “I was shocked when Tommy proposed but I didn’t have to think twice about saying ‘yes.’”

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The couple on their wedding day in 1995.

Since starting the Facebook page, Lindi said the couple has received an outpouring of love from people all around the world. 

“We wanted to give hope to people who have disabilities who think they may not be able to get married because of stigma or prejudice,” she told HuffPost. “Times have changed a lot over the years but their story is educating so many people that they are receiving hundreds of messages saying their story has given them hope.”

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Cheers to many more happy years together!

“They are proof that anything is possible with love,” she added. 

Before You Go

Photographer Celebrates Kids With Down Syndrome With Stunning Photos
Aiden(01 of11)
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"Aiden is getting ready to turn the big 3 in January! Over the past year he has been learning to swim like a little fish at swim school, went to his first summer camp, and now is in 2-year-old preschool. Aiden has learned to use sign language, is saying new words every day, and goes on the potty (most of the time). He is a master at the iPad and learns so much from it. His gross motor [skills have] taken off with climbing stairs, running, and jumping. He participated in NDSS [National Down Syndrome Society] rock star photos in New York City and is in two calendars for 2017, spreading awareness wherever he can!" (credit:JULED PHOTOGRAPHY)
Alexa(02 of11)
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"Alexa is now 6 years old and is having an amazing year in first grade. She had a successful T-ball season and loved playing catcher, just like her big brothers. Alexa enjoys swimming, playing with her friends, reading and cheering on her big brothers." (credit:JULED PHOTOGRAPHY)
Carly(03 of11)
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"After a full summer of beach days and swimming, Carly has started first grade. She is in an inclusion class, loves to read, is getting better at writing and is getting used to homework. Carly loves playdates with friends, learning from her big sister and continues to shine in dance class. She plays baseball for South Jersey Field of Dreams and is perfecting her cartwheels in gymnastics. Carly is proud of her accomplishments and continues to inspire her family and everyone around her. She loves playing games, going to the park, and being around people. Carly is looking forward to turning 7, becoming a flower girl for the first time, and meeting new friends. She is amazing and has a smile that could brighten anyone's day." (credit:JULED PHOTOGRAPHY)
Finn(04 of11)
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"Finnegan, also lovingly known as Finn or Finnster or our Finnegan Begin-again, is an extremely active and expressive 21-month-old. He is in love with his family, all things Elmo, and music of every type. He's not afraid to sing with gusto or bust a move when his favorite song comes on and his dance moves are fierce! He enjoys partaking in all of his therapies and is so proud when he makes advances. He is a trickster and loves sneaking up on people and playing games. What a sense of humor this little man has! His favorite moments are when he's snuggled up with a book or exploring something new." (credit:JULED PHOTOGRAPHY)
Raegan(05 of11)
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"Raegan is the light of her family's lives. She adores her big brother and sister and even though they are teenagers, they always make time to play and cuddle with her. She loves when her Gammy comes to visit, and she also has a wonderful team of therapists that she adores. She receives physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and special instruction each week. When her therapists walk in the door, Raegan lights up with a gigantic smile and claps excitedly. She is such a hard worker and her therapies have really benefitted her. Despite what the doctors predicted, Raegan began walking at 18 months. Now as she gets ready to turn 2, she is walking all over the place, following her mommy everywhere she goes and copying whatever mommy is doing. Believe it or not, Raegan loves to help with laundry. Her very favorite thing to do is to take the clothes from the dryer and put it into a laundry basket. She also likes to hand her mommy the dishes as they empty the dishwasher. She loves Elmo, playing 'catch' with a ball, and to look through books by herself. Although she's soon ready to talk, Raegan is learning American Sign Language and knows a handful of signs. She is very independent and even a little stubborn at times. She likes to try to do things on her own, without help, and is never afraid to try new things. Like all toddlers, she has her moments, but the overwhelming majority of the time, she is a very happy girl with a smile that can light up a room. She is such a blessing to her family and they would not change a thing about her!" (credit:JULED PHOTOGRAPHY)
Kennedy(06 of11)
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"Kennedy is now 2 years old with a strong-willed personality. She's starting to learn how to walk and talk. She says a few words: 'not nice,' 'no night night,' 'mama,' 'dada' and 'kitty cat.' Kennedy currently has four therapies weekly: PT, OT, SI and PT aquatics. Kennedy enjoys her snacks, Elmo, books and loves bothering her siblings, Arianna and Brody." (credit:JULED PHOTOGRAPHY)
Michael(07 of11)
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"Michael is now 3 years old and started school at the local Special Services School in September, where he is reaching many goals. Michael has grown so much over the past year and is now able to run, jump, say words, like 'mommy,' 'bye-bye,' 'yellow' and knows the signs for many other words." (credit:JULED PHOTOGRAPHY)
Tristan(08 of11)
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"Tristan is growing so fast and becoming a little man. He turned 3 years old this September and started preschool. He is excited to go to school every morning and is eager to learn and work toward all of his goals. Tristan is extremely witty, has a great sense of humor and makes his family laugh all day long. He loves to eat, dance and play rough with his big brother. He is a wild, active, stubborn and feisty toddler and his family is so in love with him." (credit:JULED PHOTOGRAPHY)
Olivia(09 of11)
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"Olivia is now 3-and-a-half and has had a busy year. In January she started early intervention school three days a week and in September started a typical 3-year-old preschool. She is doing fabulous learning and talking more and more. She loves music and to dance. Last month she was chosen to be featured in a video in Times Square for the New York City Buddy Walk. She continues to be our sunshine in our lives." (credit:JULED PHOTOGRAPHY)
Zach(10 of11)
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"Zach has started kindergarten this year and is loving every minute of it." (credit:JULED PHOTOGRAPHY)
Robby(11 of11)
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"Robby, one of our original eleven, has had an exciting year. He has overcome a few medical challenges and has celebrated many milestones, proving that he is a true superhero. Robby was born with a cleft palate which delayed him in progressing from milk to baby food. In November, at the age of 1, Robby had his cleft palette repaired and tubes placed in both ears. The following January, he was successfully enjoying baby food and today he eats anything and everything he can get his hands on. He especially enjoys veggies, fruit, yogurt and cookies. This past spring, Robby spent a few rough weeks in the PICU at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia being treated for pneumonia as well as three viruses that were wreaking havoc and stress on his little lungs, heart and body. Fortunately, with excellent medical care and lots of love from his family and friends, Robby made a full recovery. In July, Robby had a procedure to close the PDA in his heart, which the doctors believed was causing extra stress on his heart and lungs. The procedure went well and as you can see in this year's photo, Robby said good-bye to his nasal cannula and the need for supplemental oxygen. Robby goes to daycare five days a week where he enjoys singing and playing with his teachers and classmates. He attends physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. He has learned several signs in ASL and loves to sign 'Mommy,' 'Daddy,' 'cookie,' 'doggy' and more! This little superhero can climb a flight of steps like he's Rocky and cruises around to get where he wants to go. With a little more confidence, Robby will be an official walker soon. He enjoys giving hugs and kisses to all, watching his signing time videos and cuddling with his mommy and daddy. As Robby turns two in November, his family is excited to see what lies ahead for their little superhero." (credit:JULED PHOTOGRAPHY)

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