Here’s Why You Should Never Pay For Your Wedding In Cash

Each time you use your credit card, you’re effectively bringing a third party into the transaction — the credit card company.
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One of the most stressful parts of wedding planning is getting your vendors lined up in a row before they book other events — because let’s face it: If they’re good, their schedules fill up fast. That means putting money down to secure their business. But what if the bakery making your cake goes out of business? Or your venue ends up in the path of a natural disaster? All that money — gone

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Don’t cry just yet. It’s not necessarily lost forever, so long as you used this form of payment: a credit card.

Each time you use your credit card, you’re effectively bringing a third party into the transaction — the credit card company. The benefit of this is that it can now lobby on your behalf when something happens completely outside your control and fight to get your money back. It’s similar to if you’ve ever had your credit card information stolen. Once you report the charge as fraudulent, you’re no longer responsible for paying, and the company takes on the issue for you.

So if your photographer forgets to show up to your ceremony and then refuses to reimburse you, you have a much better chance of getting some money back than if you paid them in cash. And honestly, that will make for much better smiles in your wedding photos.


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