Jimmy Kimmel Challenge: Best 'I Gave My Child A Terrible Present' Submissions

Survey Says Kids Are Spoiled, Jimmy Kimmel Proves It Right
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Jimmy Kimmel's compilation of kids reacting to terrible presents is not just hilarious. In the spirit of great comedy, it's also the perfect way to sum up what many parents already know -- our children are…spoiled.

A new survey from TODAY Moms and Parenting.com shows 3 out of 4 parents think their kids are at least a little spoiled – and 60 percent say they're more spoiled than they were as kids.

The moms polled confess to being the ones who give too much to their kids. They plan to spend an average of $271 per child this holiday season. Why? Guilt. About 70% admit to feeling guilty if they say no to something on their child's wish list.

Parents were split on how to handle kids' tantrums when they receive an unwanted gift from a relative. Most make their child apologize, some resort to discipline. Perhaps the solution is moving to the UK -- apparently the kids over there prefer spending time with their families to presents.

Of course, as Kimmel has shown us, some children -- like the little girl in the video below -- are gracious. When she opens her early present to find a a half-eaten PB&J, she said, "I appreciate her getting us a present but I didn't know it would be like THAT." and decides Mom is just lazy.

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