Ringo Starr Reveals His Love Of 'The Price Is Right' On 'Late Late Show' (VIDEO)

Ringo Starr Loves 'Price Is Right,' Thinks Drew Carey 'Looks Gorgeous!'

A-list stars, they're just like the rest of us. Take Ringo Starr, for example. Forever immortalized as a member of The Beatles, Starr loves to kick back and watch "The Price Is Right."

Chatting with Craig Ferguson on "The Late Late Show" (Weeknights, 12:30 a.m. EST on CBS) Ringo joked about how musician and producer Joe Walsh talked him out of naming his latest album "Motel California."

Of course, because everyone in Hollywood knows everyone else, Ferguson knows Walsh from his regular guest spots playing Ed the guitarist on "The Drew Carey Show."

When the conversation turned to Drew Carey's post-sitcom gig hosting "The Price Is Right," Ringo said, "I love that show! I love it!" He went on, "Drew is now so slimmed-down ... He looks gorgeous!"

Fergsuon's robot sidekick Geoff Peterson concurred: "He looks very svelte."

"The Late Late Show" airs Weeknights, 12:30 a.m. EST on CBS.

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