Mistress Confesses: I Called My Lover's Wife (VIDEO)

WATCH: Why I Confronted My Lover's Wife

It's true that the cuckolded spouse generally suffers immense pain at the hands of his or her cheating partner, but what about the mistress?

On HuffPost Live Monday, Sarah Symonds -- a former serial "other woman" and founder of Mistresses Anonymous -- told host Ricky Camilleri that she feels that she was the "victim" and "loser" in her numerous adulterous relationships. She also revealed that on three occasions, she called the men's wives to reveal the affairs. One conversation stood out to her in particular:

"When I called his wife I was at a rock bottom place, I'd hit a wall of pain," she said. "When I called her, she was so matter of fact... I said I just wanted to tell you that I'm Mr. X's girlfriend, mistress in London and I have been for the past two-and-a-half, three years."

Watch the video above for the wife's response to the call, which left Symonds "absolutely floored." Then click through the slideshow below for our readers' take on why people cheat.

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