Is It Possible To Quit After 40 Years Of Smoking?

Kicking A 40-Year Smoking Habit

Dr. Travis Stork of TV's "The Doctors" checked in with Sharon, a grandmother who had smoked for 40 years.

Sharon was tasked with weaning herself off cigarettes in a special segment of the show called the smoking "Health Scare Experiment" after her granddaughter was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF), a genetic disease that leads to life-threatening lung infections, according to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. A 2008 study found that any exposure to secondhand smoke results in a 10 percent decrease in lung function in people with CF, ScienceDaily reported.

But after 40 years of smoking, quitting wasn't easy. The longer you smoke, the more difficult it is to quit, according to the Center for Young Women's Health. And a recent study found that today's smokers have a harder time quitting in general compared to smokers in years past.

Watch the emotional video to see how Sharon kicked the habit once and for all.

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