Silly Poem of the Week: Retirement Funs

Silly Poem of the Week: Retirement Funs
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Hear me reading this poem to you:

How did I get to be 40 years old
And find that my life ain't fitting the mold
Of what I had hoped to achieve by this stage
And what I was planning to do at this age

The millions of dollars are not in the bank
I'm stripped of position, title or rank
Don't have a big bonus or a 401K
My financials in fact are a cause for dismay

By now I was hoping to have a big cushion
Of retirement money so I can stop pushin'
Be free of the worry and the need to compile
How-to live a full life and retire with style

See, once I was making shit load of dough
The checks would arrive and the cash would just flow
But truth to be told, I was sad, I was lonely
I lost a dear friend, the one and the only

I lied to myself, detached from sensation
And hid from the truth in a state of sedation
No different was I than a whore on the street
I was selling my mind for the corporate seat

I forgot who I was and lost a connection
With the fun-seeking child who is my reflection
He got buried alive underneath all the worry
Patiently waiting and guarding my story

A story of truth and divine intervention
A truth that defies every normal convention
That we all must pursue what we truly desire
Everything else is merely attire

The journey is rough, its scary, it's long
They'll tell you - you're crazy, you're doing it wrong
But as long as you stick to what's feeding your soul
You will end up happy, you will have it all (whole)

I might not have plenty of money to spend
But I know who I am and I am my best friend
And as to old age which I mentioned above
Who wants to retire when you do what you love?

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