When Alcohol Won't Do: How To Make A Quick Marijuana Raspberry Shrub

When Alcohol Won't Do: How To Make A Quick Marijuana Raspberry Shrub
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Most commercial food and beverage business is geared to only meat and alcohol imbibing consumers, and it's a complete waste of time and money. People that don't eat meat still want well prepared and great tasting food, just like those who don't drink want tasty beverages that excite the senses. Vegetarians and non-drinkers have loads of annoying things to go through on a daily basis. Hell, people who drink booze and eat meat also want delicious options that don't include either sometimes. In fact, the popularity of non-alcoholic beverages is always growing, as cola and artificial juices wane in influence, healthy, fresh, and unique beverages begin their ascent into our hearts and refrigerators. If you're looking for something fun to serve to guests who don't drink (or kids!) this holiday season, consider the shrub. This Quick Marijuana Raspberry Shrub dates back centuries, and provides a use to fruit that is on it's way to rotting, preventing waste and satisfying your sweet tooth and thirst at the same time.

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Photo by Danielle Guercio[/caption]

Quick Raspberry Shrub

  • 1 cup ripe raspberries
  • 1 cup Demerara sugar
  • 1 oz alcohol cannabis tincture*
  • Juice of a lemon
  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
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Photo by Danielle Guercio[/caption]

Muddle raspberries with sugar in a jar. Allow to sit for at least 15 minutes, during which time the sugar will dissolve.

[caption id="attachment_19488" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Photo by Danielle Guercio[/caption]

Strain seeds and solids. Add apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and tincture. Pour 2 oz of juice mixture into a glass with ice.

[caption id="attachment_19489" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Photo by Danielle Guercio[/caption]

Top with seltzer and garnish with a lemon peel.

By: Danielle Guerico

[caption id="attachment_19490" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Photo by Danielle Guercio[/caption]

*Cannabis Tincture:

Decarboxylate an eighth of finely ground cannabis by heating in an oven safe and well sealed container for 20 minutes at 225 degrees. Put cannabis and high proof spirit (like 151 rum) into a jar or vacuum sealed bag and place in a water bath at just under boiling for 1-3 hours. Strain into dropper bottle and dispense 1-5mL as a dose or use in recipes.

This drink is gorgeous, natural, and so easy to prepare. The longer you allow the mixture to sit in the fridge, the more flavor it will develop. Up to a month should be no big deal in a well-sealed jar. Catering to your non-alcoholic friends (or just your taste for finery sans intoxication) makes every gathering more special. The continuous foisting of booze as an equivalent to fun concept is is taking its toll, since cannabis and fruit are relatively harmless compared to the 88-thousand alcohol related deaths per year. It seems like alcohol has no chill, but you can.

Photos: Danielle Guercio [Instagram @danizig]

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