10 Things I Never Knew I Was Capable Of Doing, After Kids

I am sure we have all thought about life before our precious little ones. I remember being SO fit and healthy! I remember having energy like no other. But, I also remember a HUGE void in my life, because I wanted little ones!
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I am sure we have all thought about life before our precious little ones. I remember being SO fit and healthy! I remember having energy like no other. But, I also remember a HUGE void in my life, because I wanted little ones!

After kids, things obviously change a bit. There are things we do as parents, that we NEVER in a million years knew we were capable of doing... I listed some of the most popular ones for me, below.

1) Never knew I could contort my body so cleverly, whilst getting out of bed, trying hard not to make a single sound so I don't wake the littles sleeping with me. I have gotten good at this one!

2) Never knew that I could nurse my child, while writing a blog post, tending to two other kids and eating dinner AT THE SAME TIME.

3) Never thought I could get a decent nights sleep, crumpled in a corner of the bed that is no bigger than half my torso because my other THREE kids are laying sideways or upside down in my bed sleeping.

4) Never knew I had it in me to be a short line cook and cook up things I would NEVER have thought tasted good together, but actually taste awesome

5) Never knew how frustrated and upset a tiny baby (or bigger kid), could make me feel and in that same instant, MELT my heart completely.

6) Never knew changing a huge blowout diaper and getting pieces of it on my hands, would not gross me out in the least.

7) Never knew taking kids to the grocery store with you would be SO trying and hard. Little hands reaching for EVERYTHING that looked pretty or would taste good.

8) Never knew how much 'mommy guilt' a mommy could have, because you feel like you could always be doing MORE for them, when really, they are OK.

9) I never knew the exhaustion a mother could have, after a day with her kids

10) Last but not least, I never knew the UNCONDITIONAL love that I feel EVERY DAY of my life, now that I do have my babies. I would not trade ANYTHING for them or the feeling I have when they walk up to me and wrap their little arms around my neck and tell me they love me so much!! PRICELESS!

What Things Did You Not Know You Were Capable Of Doing, After Kids? Join me on my blog, Shop with Me Mama and let me know!

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