3 Smart Workweek Hacks to Improve Your Monday to Friday

Try incorporating one of these ideas into your workweek this week. That extra bit of attention and care to your day to day should go a long way toward helping you have a better Monday through Friday.
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Monday morning. It starts with wanting to stay in bed, moves to a flurry of rushing around, and comes to a head when you hit that 3 p.m. slump.

It's no wonder you're already counting the number of days until the weekend.

But your workweek doesn't have to be this way. There are several smart, simple ways to bring more flow, ease, and productivity to your workweek right away.

Add Padding to Transition Times
Two of the biggest transition times in your workday are when you go from home to work and from work to home.

Most people start their days in a scramble of looking for keys, scarfing down whatever food is nearby, and running out the door. This frazzled start sets the tone for the rest of your day.

According to parent coach Meghan Leahy, this can put a particular strain on your relationships with your kids.

Leahy recommends giving yourself more time than you think you'll actually need to get ready for your day so that you can start things off on a more peaceful note.

"That way when your kid tells you they need a 2-liter bottle of soda for school you can handle it calmly," Leahy notes.

On the other end of the day, holistic nutritionist Elaine Brisebois recommends separating your workday from your evening meal.

"Many of my clients make healthy choices during the day when they're distracted with work, but have much more trouble when they get home at night," Brisebois explains.

Take a few minutes to change your clothes, go for a walk, or read an uplifting book before you jump into dinner. Doing so will help you to center yourself and shed your workday worries, which means you won't take them out on your evening meal.

Alternate Periods of Productivity with Periods of Self Care
Consistently putting forth effort without tending to our well-being is a recipe for burnout. Boost both your productivity and your health by honoring both your drive for productivity and and your need for self-care.

Professional office organizer Kacy Paide recommends the Pomodoro Technique to her clients. This technique is based on the idea that we aren't capable of keeping our focus for extended periods of time.

"Pick a task and set a timer for 25 to 35 minutes. Work until the timer goes off. Then give yourself some kind of break," Kacy advises.

Personal trainer Shay de Silva adds a physical bent to this idea. She notes that sitting for extending periods of time is bad for our health.

"When your timer goes off stand up and do something physical. I like jumping jacks because they incorporate both your upper and lower body," de Silva explains. "This doesn't need to be a full-out workout. It's just a quick something to get your blood flowing."

By giving yourself a break with a fun or physical interlude you'll feel refreshed and more capable of focusing when you sit back down to work.

Hone in on Your Priorities
You likely have a million and one things to take care of during your workweek, and it's unlikely that you'll get through them all.

Master life coach Anna Kunnecke says it's important to set just one priority for any given day. It doesn't have to be huge. Your priority could be unloading the dishwasher, hanging out with your kids, or paying a lingering bill.

"Ask yourself, what would give me the most relief to get done? Or, what make me so proud to complete today?" Kunnecke offers. She further explains, "Be sure to keep your daily priority to just one thing."

Approval addiction coach Amy Pearson adds another insight into a possible priority choice. She sees a lot of people spending unfruitful time trying to get approval or avoid rejection. "This week think of one action you can take that pushes your comfort zone. Try sharing that idea in your meeting. Be brazen and bring more of yourself to the table," Pearson suggests.

Pleasance Silicki, owner of Lil Omm Yoga, offers one additional method to help you connect with your priorities.

"Sit quietly for 5 minutes a day. Sit in nature or with your kids. Be present," Silicki recommends. "This will help to still your monkey mind so that you can be more in touch with your heart, your body, and your intuition."

By continuously acting in accordance with your priorities you will subtly shift your life and your workweek in a better direction.

Try incorporating one of these ideas into your workweek this week. That extra bit of attention and care to your day to day should go a long way toward helping you have a better Monday through Friday.

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