5 Simple Yoga Poses to Help You Feel Less Bloated

Instead of focusing on our leg and arm muscles, we can start to get in touch with the muscles inside our body, like our esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
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Yoga is a great way to get in touch with your mind, body, and spirit. It is great for releasing anxiety and tension, stretching and strengthening, and self-reflection. However, we can also use yoga to help us think about different areas of our body. When doing a yoga pose, you can start to feel what calf is tighter and which hip is looser than the other.

Instead of focusing on our leg and arm muscles, we can start to get in touch with the muscles inside our body, like our esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

Have you ever not wanted to go to a yoga class because you're afraid you'll stink up the room after having too many fiber bars? Or maybe you couldn't resist having the entire popcorn bag last night and just feel ten pounds heavier? Well we have some yoga poses for you that can help ease your digestion and kill that bloating.

1. Crunches

Why? Crunches "crunch" (no pun intended) all the air out of your stomach. You might want to do these at home before you hit the mat in the studio to get out that extra air that's been lying in your stomach.

How? Lie on your back with your feet against the floor so your knees are pointed up.

Put your hands behind your head. To do a crunch, curl your shoulders off the floor and lift up so your shoulders are up but your lower back is still on the ground.

Release your shoulders back down. Do three sets of 15-20 crunches.

2. Knees to Chest

Why? This pose is relaxing and opens up your backside while lightly pushing down on your stomach to release any gas or bloating.

How? Lie on your back and hug your knees to your chest.

Slowly draw your knees closer to your chest as you exhale on each breath. Stay for about 10-15 breaths.

3. Bridge Pose

Why? This pose brings the blood that rushes down you to your legs back up to your torso, causing stomach relief to make you feel less crappy.

How? Lie on your back and lay your arms parallel to your sides. Bend your knees so the backs of your heels are touching your fingertips. Push your butt and back into the air to make a 45-degree angle with your head.

Stay for about 5-10 breaths.

Original post by Katie Spitler for Spoon - Holy Cross.

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