7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Time On Right Now (PICTURES)

7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Time On Right Now

If the DNC and Chris Christie's singing voice have left you feeling "meh," why not perk up with a little afternoon distraction?

It's Wednesday, so we're back with 7 more sites to pop you out of funk and get you in a good mood.

As always, be sure to vote for your favorites and let us know if you come across any awesome time wasters you think we should feature.

7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Time On Right Now
Removie Posters(01 of07)
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Take one letter out of a movie title and everything changes.
Harper Or Halpert?(02 of07)
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Fans of "The Office" and "The Newsroom" may have noticed a certain similarity between Jim Halpert and Jim Harper. You're not alone.
Breaking Calvin(03 of07)
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Artist Clayton Hanson presents "Breaking Bad" seasons one and two as told by Calvin and Hobbes.
Duggars And Bates Confessions(04 of07)
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If you watch TLC's "19 Kids and Counting" or "United Bates of America" this site is your therapy.
Frogman(05 of07)
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One funny guy who somehow always finds the funniest stuff out there.
Post Post Secret Advice(06 of07)
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You know PostSecret? That art project where people can anonymously send in their personal confessions on post cards? Some comedians have some things to say about it.
Catroulette(07 of07)
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A fun cat adoption tool that pairs our love of cute cat videos with our love of voting for things.

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