A Conversation With Charisma On Command Creator

A Conversation With Charisma On Command Creator
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A Curiosity Conversation with Charlie Houpert, the founder of Charisma on Command. This program helps people transform their lives into the most confident, energized state. For more information, check out his book here.

What is the most beautiful thing you've noticed this week?
The sunset hitting the mountains in Medellin

What does it mean to be interesting?
To have a way of interacting that breaks the people around you out of "autopilot."

What is the most pressing question that you've had today?
Where will I eat lunch?

What do you believe is the largest influencer of individual suffering in the world?
Selfishness of those who are cruel and the apathy of those who are not involved

Individual happiness?
What people choose to focus on

What does a sustainable life look like to you?
One that puts health first. That focuses on balance every day between work, friends, and hobbies. And that is focused on improving in some aspect every day.

What is your favorite thing about the human face and why?
I love smooth radiant skin

What was the last moment you felt completely at peace?
I don't often feel completely at peace so I'm not sure. I usually am thinking about something or am working towards something. Even when I am totally carefree, I wouldn't describe myself as "at peace." I suppose I don't really strive for "peace," but rather for "joy."

If you had a megaphone, what one story would you tell to the world?
I'd read the entire A Song of Ice And Fire Series. It would take a looooong time, but it's the best story ever written

What has been the most pivotal moment in your life so far?
Reading the Four Hour Work Week

What one piece of advice would you go back and give yourself the day you were born?
Buy Google

What is the very first thing you do in the mornings?
Check my phone because I am bad

What one word describes you?

What one word describes this world?

Describe your work process.
Sporadic. I try to do something every day for the business, but mostly I work in spurts, usually out of my bed.

Describe your relationship with technology.
I break or lose everything eventually

What, when, why, and where was the last book you read?
Willpower while laying in my bed reading off my phone

What is the most important thought you've ever had?
Anything can be learned.

What does it mean to be extraordinary?
To be someone who bucks convention to live a life based on their own desires

Who would you be most interested in seeing answer these Curiosity Conversations?
Tony Robbins

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