Colbert: Air Quotes Will Fix Fox News (VIDEO)

Colbert: Air Quotes Will Fix Fox News (VIDEO)
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Fox News came under fire recently after the network was caught using footage from Sarah Palin's vice-presidential campaign to illustrate one of her book signings. This prompted the network to issue a pledge of zero tolerance for on-screen errors.

During the segment "Tip of the Hat/Wag of the Finger," Stephen Colbert called out the network for its stupidity: "What are you doing? You're fair and balanced. To be fair, you have to balance every fact with corresponding bullshit." His solution: using air quotes during the newscast. This strategy would allow the network to let the audience know that they are being ironic when reporting the news.

He went on to give an example to help clarify:

Sarah "Palin's" New "Book" Has Been Released "Excellent" Reviews. And many people are "reading" it.

Colbert then added that if that measure was not enough, they should have Sean Hannity do every show wearing an ironic "Journalist" t-shirt.


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