Conan's New York Heckler Followed Him To Los Angeles (VIDEO)

WATCH: Conan's New York Heckler In L.A.

When Conan O'Brien was in New York City last week, he got a taste of New York hospitality in the form of a heckler at the Beacon Theater chastising him about his new California lifestyle. Now, that heckler has driven across the country to remind him that bad manners aren't exclusive to any coast.

Yes, that heckler -- who bears a striking resemblance to comedian Eddie Pepitone -- is back in Los Angeles to remind him that he can't kiss every city's ass.

Maybe New York City reminded Conan more of his "Late Night" days, as this heckler character seems like he would have fit right in with the fan with overly complicated chants or Andy Richter's little sister (some lady who went on to work for the City of Pawnee).