8 Reasons A Dog Owner Is Actually The Ideal Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

If you've coupled up with a pup owner, you're one lucky dog. 🐶
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When you fall in love with a dog owner, it’s more than just puppy love. 

Dog owners are often responsible, nurturing and willing to wear their hearts on their sleeves (which, if we’re being honest, are probably covered in dog hair). Sure, spur-of-the-moment romantic getaways are pretty much out of the question when there’s a pup waiting for you at home. But other than that, dog owners make some of the best boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives. Here’s why: 

1. They’re not afraid of commitment. 

Getting a dog means committing to taking care of that animal for the next decade or more. A person who is willing to sacrifice the freedom, time, money and energy to give their pup a long, happy life probably has what it takes to make a long-term relationship work, too. 

2. They’re affectionate.

After a long day, there’s nowhere they’d rather be than cuddling up next to their pup on the couch or on the receiving end of some slobbery puppy kisses. But they’ll happily scoot over and make some room for you to squeeze in between.

3. They can handle a mess. 

Pups are loving, adorable creatures, but they’re messy as hell too. Dog owners have dealt with it all: poop and throw up in the house, muddy paw prints on the floors and fur anywhere and everywhere. Instead of freaking out, dog owners take a deep breath, clean it up and move on ― so they won’t lose their s**t when it comes to gross human stuff like a clogged toilet. 

4. They stay active. 

Dogs need to be walked, and many owners make a morning or evening stroll with their fur baby part of their daily routine. On the weekends, they might hit the dog park, a hiking trail or the beach for some fresh air and a game of fetch. If you date a dog owner, those healthy habits will likely rub off on you too.

5. They’re patient. 

The puppy phase can really test a person’s patience. Dog owners have been woken up by barking, they’ve come home to chewed-up furniture and they’ve had to say goodbye to at least one pair of their favorite shoes. Oh, and then there’s the potty-training. The point is, caring for a pup isn’t easy ― it’s time-consuming and at times, frustrating, but a dog owner takes it all in stride. When you truly love someone ― be it a dog, a romantic partner or someday a kid ― it’s all worth it. 

6. They’re good caretakers. 

Dog owners are used to taking care of someone other than themselves. Every day, they wake up, feed the dog, take them for a walk and let them out to pee again, all before leaving for work. They’ve brought a sick pup to the vet, dutifully checked for fleas and ticks and given many baths. Caring is simply what they do best. 

7. They’re playful. 

Dog owners don’t take themselves too seriously. They play with goofy dog toys, create fun little games for their pup or run around the dog park tossing a tennis ball. That sense of lightness and playfulness will likely show up in their romantic relationships as well. 

8. They already know what unconditional love looks like. 

How? Because their dog modeled it for them. It might sound cheesy, but it’s true. 

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