Kim Kardashian Bangs: Star Gets Herself A Brand New Fringe (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The best part is -- wait for it -- we actually like it.

BREAKING: Kim Kardashian cut bangs!

That's right, the reality star got a haircut and completely turned our worlds upside down ... well, sort of. Actually, Kim has had bangs before -- a few times. But this time it's different. This time we like them. Last night, the 32-year-old posted a photo on her Instagram account along with the caption, "Fun shoot today @mrchrismcmillan He just can't control his scissor hands! #bangs." (If you recall, Chris McMillan is the man behind "The Miley," this year's most polarizing cut.)

Let's break down her new fringe: It's soft, side-swept and frames her face beautifully. Like we said though, Kim is no rookie when it comes to this look. Back in 2010, she cut blunt bangs. We weren't exactly in love, but it was the trend du jour at the time, so we gave the girl a free pass. But when she made the same hair move last January, we really hoped she would ditch the harsh look for something a little more subdued and flattering.

So what made Kanye's other half see the light? We'd like to think Kim was inspired by Kate Middleton's new trim and that this is just another attempt to befriend the duchess. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, no? Whatever the reason, we're fans of the fashion mogul's new look. Well done, Kimmy.

Check out the photo and video of Kim Kardashian's latest 'do and tell us what you think.

UPDATE: It turns out, Kim's new bangs were too good to be true. The star published a follow-up post on her blog today to clarify: "I saw a few of you tweeting me about my bangs!! The bangs are fake! Just clip ons! I had a fun Cosmo cover shoot yesterday and Chris McMillan clipped these on!" OK, you can't just cry bangs like that, Kim. We got excited for a second there.


See more celebrities with side-swept bangs!

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