The Phrase That Completely Transformed How I Think About Exercise

Here's how to stop viewing fitness as punishment and enjoy it instead.
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Kamon Saejueng / EyeEm via Getty Images
Working out isn't supposed to be torture, but many of us are taught from a young age that it should feel that way.

For most of my life, I’ve had a tumultuous relationship with exercise.

This was mostly due to the fact that I felt like it was a requirement and I was never any “good” at it. I loathed team sports as a kid, and I’d put more energy into pretending I was sick so I could sit on the bench rather than participating with my peers. I had very little stamina and terrible coordination. Not to mention the fact that I felt like my abilities were being measured against my classmates’.

Those feelings followed me into adulthood. I found myself avoiding the gym or fitness classes because I didn’t want people to see how “bad” I was at working out. And, like many people, I also inherently looked at exercise as a way to counter the food I consumed during the day or what I saw in the mirror.

It took me a very long time to change my outlook on working out ― to not see it as disciplinary or a way to embarrass myself but as something that makes me feel good. I read about a concept a few years ago that helped me get there: Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do.

Stop and read that again.

We’re trained to think we always have to be making gains or shrinking ourselves ― that exercise is for changing our body, not honoring how it is right now.

I spent years thinking I was never “good enough” when it came to exercise. I wasn’t good enough to play sports, wasn’t good enough to use gym equipment, wasn’t good enough with my diet to not need to work out so hard in the first place. Instead, what if I had looked at exercise as a way to celebrate what my own body could do? Even if that varies day-to-day.

Once I adopted that mindset, everything started to change. It helps on those days when I’m looking at fitness as a dreadful obligation rather than a choice.

“We’re trained to think we always have to be making gains or shrinking ourselves ― that exercise is for changing our body, not a way to honor how it is right now.”

Of course, an affirmation can only take you so far. You also need to put it into practice. Here’s some other advice on how to see exercise as a celebration of your body:

Spend time discovering what movement brings you joy.

The American Heart Association recommends that you get 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, which is defined as anything that gets your heart rate 50% to 60% higher than your resting heart rate. Any movement that gets you there works. Avoid the mental trap of thinking that you have to destroy yourself in order for your workout to count; you do not have to engage in any type of exercise that you hate.

“Think of these two categories: Does it make your body feel good, and do you enjoy it?” said Jessica Mazzucco, a certified fitness trainer in New York City and founder of The Glute Recruit. “There are so many formats out there to choose from, including playing tennis, swimming, dancing, biking, weight training, boxing, yoga, running, pilates, etc. If you find yourself excited and wanting to go back and perform that workout again, then you know you have found what works for you.”

Then don’t hesitate to change up your workout routine (even if you used to love it).

I briefly got into running during quarantine. I loved that it was a safe activity that got me outside and that I was able to measure my progress. Now, I’d rather wait in a long line at the bank than even think about jogging.

I’ve gone through similar phases with strength training and cardio. There was a time where nothing could coerce me into cardio; instead, I was going to different weight-focused fitness classes multiple times a week. Today, I prefer cycling and I look forward to spending 30 or 45 minutes on a spin bike.

It’s perfectly fine to switch up your routine. In fact, it’s highly encouraged.

“Some people get bored of the same workout routine day in and day out,” Mazzucco said. “It’s a good idea to add excitement into your routine by participating in different workouts a few days a week.” 

Make your workouts a social activity.

Working out with others might feel intimidating, but it actually helps when these get-togethers are a regular part of your social life. I started viewing time working out with friends as a way to catch up with people I love rather than an hour-long torture session. Make a walking date with your partner or spend some adventure time with your best friend trying out an aerial yoga class. It’s a bonding experience that takes you out of the negative mentality you might have toward exercise.

Don’t turn to exercise when you’re feeling bad about what you ate.

I had a habit of telling myself I had to sign up for a workout class or go for a run after eating a big meal. Turning to exercise when I felt guilty about what I ate or how I looked made fitness a penalty rather than a priority. (Not to mention the fact that this mentality also damages your relationship with food.)

In order to have a healthy relationship with fitness, it needs to be unlinked from food and appearance, Mazzucco said. “It’s easier to bring yourself to move each day, and fitness seems like less of a chore and more of an act of self-care,” she added.

Focus on the emotional effects of working out.

A runner’s high doesn’t happen because running itself has some magical powers ― it’s the exercise that brings the mood boost. You can get the same outcome from walking, cycling, dancing in your kitchen, swimming, using the monkey bars or whatever else you choose to do. I constantly try to remind myself that I’m working out for my mental health, and the physical perks are just a bonus.

“I love the mantra ‘love yourself first, love yourself most.’ Exercise is one of the best ways you can love yourself,” said Jennifer Conroyd, a certified fitness trainer, ironman and founder of Fluid Running. “You’re reducing your risk of disease. You’re strengthening your body and your heart. You’re de-stressing yourself and making yourself feel better. Think of exercise as a gift that you’ve been given.”

Remember that your relationship to exercise ― and how often you do it ― will change. A lot. 

I’m not some jacked fitness expert who never misses a workout. There are some days that I mentally or physically can’t bring myself to sweat — just today, I set my alarm for a workout and slept right through it. This is to be expected.

“It’s important to remember that our bodies evolve and age, and we have to stop putting harsh expectations on our bodies if they don’t look or perform the way we want them to,” Mazzucco said, adding that you should “accept that you won’t always want to work out, and that’s OK. Even the most motivated exercisers have days where they do not want to go to the gym.”

It’s OK to move your body how you want to move it and when you want to move it. Anything else shouldn’t be called exercise ― it’s punishment.

Before You Go

Products That May Trick You Into Loving Exercise
A balance board(01 of21)
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You can work on your snowboarding, skateboarding and general coordination while inside using this board.

Promising review: "This is by far my FAVORITE Christmas gift this year! This is super fun — a great workout. Did I say SOOO FUN!? I may spend the whole weekend (and beyond!) 'playing' with this." — azure_mouse

Get it from Amazon for $53.97.
A pair of weighted bangles(02 of21)
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Put these around your wrists or ankles to increase resistance and help strengthen your arms and legs, even if you just wear them around the house or while on a walk. When you have the ability to forget that you're exercising while exercising? That's when you've become the master.

Promising review: "These are so worth it! I’d been waiting for these to restock for so long! They are by far the comfiest and prettiest ankle weights out there! I got the latte color and it’s the perfect nude. So chic!" — Banannarama

Get them from Free People for $49 (available in eight colors).
(credit:Free People)
An illustrated yoga mat(03 of21)
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You'll get something empowering AND pretty (two things can be true!) to stare at while you bend and stretch your body.

Get it from EmpowHer Prints on Etsy for $69.99.
(credit:EmpowHer Prints / Etsy)
HIIT The Game(04 of21)
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This blast of a "board game" is great for folks who know some friendly competition is the best way to up your rep game. This includes a stack of 52 cards that, along with the repetition dice, will create a brutally fun HIIT workout that you can do anywhere (no gear required!). You can play this on your own or compete with others, using the strategy cards to earn extra points, give your opponent extra steps, etc.

Promising review: "My wife and I use these to change up our workout routine. It is fun to shuffle them up and then pick a card and you just do whatever you pick. It's a nice change from the usual, and there are some really good exercises in there." — Adam M.

Get it from Amazon for $29.97.
A FILA Speed Rope(05 of21)
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You'll for sure be up and off the floor with this when you're so bored you think you might jump out of your skin.

Promising review: "This speed rope is super slim and lightweight! I absolutely love this product." — sydneyshay

Get it from Urban Outfitters for $12.
(credit:Urban Outfitters)
A set of five exercise bands(06 of21)
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These are perfect for beginners who want a good workout without having to fill their spare bedroom with bulky equipment. These versatile bands are great for making simple workouts exhausting, fun and effective.

Promising review: "I never knew that elastic bands could help me feel so much burn! I was very surprised by how durable and elastic these bands are. Even after prolonged and rigorous workout sessions, I have noticed absolutely no wear or tear whatsoever! These are extremely good quality for the price. I love the strength ladder too. Each band has a different weight estimate. There are online videos for you to watch too! I 100% recommend this product to any fitness enthusiast — beginner or expert! I would give these10 stars if I could! Purchase this product! You won’t regret it!" — Matthew C.

Get them from Amazon for $9.95 (available in three colors).
A reflex ball(07 of21)
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You can throw this on whenever you don't mind looking a little dopey during your workout. It's entertaining AND will give you a good sweat.

Promising review: "This is a lot of fun. I find it addictive, like playing a good video game. For developing good focus, this is excellent! I wear bag gloves, which offer a nice squared-off surface that seems to make it easier to control the ball. I found the black ball hard to see so I put some yellow paint on it." — Saki

Get the set of four from Amazon for $19.99.
A box of activity dice(08 of21)
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Available in fitness and yoga moves, you won't have to bend over backwards to find a fun way to work out with these dice (unless the dice tell you to). Each box comes with a dice for each chakra, seven in all!

Promising review: "This is a great gift for someone who wants to get into yoga but doesn’t know anything about it. It kind of turns it into a game and makes it fun! Great for beginners." — Chrissy Becker

Get them from Amazon for $14.55+ (available in two styles).
A weighted fitness hoop(09 of21)
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Use this to comfortably target your abs while improving your posture, all while giving you a workout that makes you feel like a kid again. This hula hoop is two pounds and designed with padding for comfort.

Promising review: "I was a little skeptical about this product. As a personal trainer I'm always looking for products that I can use to challenge my clients as well as keep them interested in working out. Not to mention, HAVING FUN! This fulfills each of those elements." — Amazon Customer

Get it from Amazon for $26.99+ (available in two weights).
A pair of dance pads(10 of21)
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These are connected to some *fab* YouTube classes — step onto these portable pads and get your core and lower body workout in with a truly unique twist to regular workouts.

The DIPDA classes online are fitness and flexibility training courses designed to help improve balance, body control, strength and coordination. The unique twisting system helps tone both your core and lower body without having excessive pressure on your bones or joints.

Promising review: "These are so much better than sliders or twisters. And they are so much fun! I'm a runner, and I own a treadmill and a water rower, but these are my new favorite because I can place them in front of the TV and get a good workout. Depending on how hard I go at it, I can log a mile in anywhere from 10 to 14 minutes. My actually running pace is closer to ten minutes. I love this enough to buy one for home and one for work." — Shelliep

Get them from Amazon for $45.90.
A Stealth core trainer(11 of21)
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This video game balancing board is gonna be your favorite entertainment when you're lying around and looking for something to do.

Promising review: "I don’t normally write reviews unless I really like something. This is super easy to start using within minutes of unboxing. After about 10 mins of use, my arms and core were definitely feeling it. The games are fun too. They keep you focused on the task rather than thinking about planking for minutes on end. I’m the kind of person who would rather get a workout in by hiking versus being at a gym, so this allows my brain to focus on something else." — Amazon Customer

Get it from Amazon for $149.
An adjustable weighted jumprope(12 of21)
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This is perfect for the cardio-curious who are ready to jump on a daily workout routine.

Promising review: "I am totally satisfied with this jump rope both its performance and its price. The handles are the right weight, shape, and texture. The rope has a 'springy' feel to it which facilitates whipping or fast revolutions. This rope has put the fun back in my jump rope workouts."ATD

Get it from Amazon for $7.54+ (available in six colors).
A pair of high-waisted leggings(13 of21)
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Wearing an outfit that looks good and actually fits well is gonna make all the difference when you truly wanna have fun while working out.

Promising reviews: "I want to first say I love the brand and have several pieces because they fit really well! These leggings are super comfortable! They have pockets on the sides so you can easily fit a phone or something while you are exercising, which is a BIG plus for me. It's a very stylish design and they fit and feel great on! I would highly recommend!" — Samip6

Get them from Target for $40 (available in women's sizes XS-4X and in six colors).
A medicine ball(14 of21)
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This will guarantee you have a ball during your daily workouts. This is designed with dimples for an easy grip, making it the perfect multi-use weight if you're looking for one tool to use in several ways.

Promising review: "This is perfect. It's just like the ball my trainer has. He recommended it, in fact. I love using it for resistance training and power training by slamming it. I imagine I'm destroying all negativity in my life when I slam it down." — Abundant Love

Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in two sizes).
A cardio trampoline(15 of21)
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You get an endorphin high with every single jump.

Promising review: "I love this trampoline. I have lymphedema and I use it daily to help my circulation. Before I started jumping I had daily leg pain and some sleepless nights. I now have no more leg pain...I was expecting it to get better but I wasn't expecting it to go away. I'm very pleased. 10 minutes a day or more and it's wonderful and fun!! I bought a cheap version to keep at my daughter's for when I visit but there is no comparison. The cheap one is so hard, doesn't have nearly the bounce or comfort that this one has." — C.J. Clowers

Get it from Amazon for $229 (available in three styles).
An ab wheel(16 of21)
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You're gonna absolutely crush your crunches and make your abs ache in the most satisfying way possible. This is a really intense tool, but it's gonna make your workouts wheely fun from the start.

Promising review: "This was easy to put together and very sturdy. I like the rubber traction on it. The rubber makes it easier to use the roller anywhere, especially with the foam knee pad. I took it to work and can use it on the tile floors in the office without a problem. The knee pad is great, even on tile. It came with two comprehensive eBooks — one on nutrition and one instruction guide. It has great instructions on proper use so you don't hurt yourself." — Applebreeze

Get it from Amazon for $12.74.
A Spikeball set(17 of21)
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You can play this at home or take it with you on vacation. Don't let this blast of a party game fool you, it can give you one heck of a cardio workout. It has foldable legs, an adjustable net and comes with three balls.

Promising review: "I heard about this game from a teen I know (I am 37) so I purchased it for my family. It is sooooo much fun!!! Be warned however that it is an aerobic workout! I have not had so much with my kids (16, 17, 19) for a very long time. It's very easy to learn (takes about five minutes) and the game is fast-paced with lots of ball time (not waiting around like in volleyball). I highly recommend game!!!" — Tort

Get it from Amazon for $59.95.
A deck of gorgeous yoga pose cards(18 of21)
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With 60 yoga poses and five themed sequences, this deck will to give beginners a grasp of what they're getting themselves into on their yoga the most artistic way possible. These also teach key breathing techniques to help with mindfulness while you exercise.

Promising review: "These cards were SO beautiful and even more than I was hoping for. The quality is perfect! I really loved the descriptions on the back of each card. They’re very sturdy and easy to follow for anyone new to yoga. 10/10!" — Jair W-c

Get them from HighDesertYogi on Etsy for $39.95.
(credit:High Desert Yogi / Etsy)
A desk peddle(19 of21)
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This is perfect for anyone who believes in the beauty of multitasking. Who says you can't put the pedal to the metal while working through your 9-to-5?

Promising review: "This is easy to put together. It fits nicely under my desk and allows me to pedal while I'm working." — Patty Pixley

Get it from Amazon for $43.
A hiking scratch-off poster(20 of21)
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Hang this up on your wall and use it as motivation for travel and movement.

Promising review: "My sister absolutely loves this parks scratch-off poster!!! Wow! What an amazing gift! My sister had so much fun scratching off her hikes! She is so excited for her future hikes so she can scratch off more! Thanks for offering such an amazing product! I will be back! Highly recommend! Thank you!!" — Laura Kemler

Get it from Scratch Off Works on Etsy for $29.95.
(credit:Scratch Off Works / Etsy)
An exercise ball with resistance bands(21 of21)
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You can use this while you catch up on your fave TV show. This will probably be the most practical piece of furniture you could put in your home. A "chair" that works abs just by sitting on it? Amazing!

Promising review: "I am totally happy with the exercise ball, ring, and resistant bands. It's sturdy, easy to put together, and allows a great workout. I recommend this to anyone who really wants to work out at home. If one does not work out regularly at a gym, I would suggest starting slowly until your body gets adjusted to it. Do it every other day or two days. You can do it in front of the television. I have used this on the carpet as well as hardwood floors, it's very stable." — Katrina Nolder

Get it from Amazon for $37.97+ (available in three sizes and three colors).

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