Tara Subkoff Battles Charity Over Brain Tumor Bills

Tara Subkoff Battles Charity Over Brain Tumor Bills

After fashion designer Tara Subkoff was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor last summer, friends of the uninsured 36-year-old held a fundraiser sponsored by the New York Foundation for the Arts to help pay for her surgery and rehabilitation. It raised approximately $175,000.

The intention of the benefit was stated in an email sent beforehand, as posted by The Cut:

While [the tumor is] benign, it will be fatal to her in approximately two years if not operated on. Recuperation from the necessary operation may take as long as a year. During this time it will not be possible for her to work. We are writing in the hope that all of you can help....All proceeds from the benefit would go towards covering the remainder of the costs of the operation, and possibly to the care that will be needed afterwards.

Page Six now reports that the New York Foundation for the Arts is reneging on their agreement to help with post-surgery living expenses, writing that Subkoff's good friend and Imitation of Christ co-found Chloe Sevigny said "I think that Tara's friends and supporters would be pretty upset to know that, despite their best efforts, she is still suffering."

NYFA issued this response through a spokesperson:

"We are willing and eager to cover medical expenses and post-op rehabilitation, as per our contract. We can't cover her personal expenses. If an offer to pay rent was made, it was a mistake. We've asked Tara's attorneys to send medical bills, but they've sent only two."

Read more HERE.

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