Trevor Noah's Secret To A Pardon From Trump: Racist Obama Tweets

"The Daily Show" host has some advice for Kim Kardashian next time she visits the White House.

Americans were a bit taken aback when Kim Kardashian visited President Donald Trump at the White House on Wednesday to plead for a pardon for Alice Marie Johnson, a great-grandmother who’s serving a life sentence for a nonviolent drug conviction.

“I know some of you were thinking, ‘I can’t believe this reality show moron is in the Oval Office,’” Trevor Noah said on “The Daily Show” on Thursday. “But don’t forget he was elected by the American people.”

Noah said he never saw coming Trump’s follow-up move: pardoning Dinesh D’Souza, a “right-wing troll” and “brown Grand Wizard” who pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations and who’s “known for saying things like, ‘Obama is a gay Muslim’ and ‘Black people are thugs.’”

Next time Kardashian lobbies to have Johnson pardoned, Noah has the answer: Have her write “racist Obama tweets and she’ll be out in a week.”

Check out the video above.