What Did the Moon Ever Do To Us?

So, it looks like NASA's mission to blast a hole in the surface of the south pole of the moon is continuing as previously planned and could occur any day now.
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So, it looks like NASA's mission to blast a hole in the surface of the south pole of the moon is continuing as previously planned and could occur any day now. NASA is sending a weapon to blow a five mile deep crater in the surface of that unassuming orb in order to dislodge debris that may or may not hold traces of water, ice or vapor. This alleged water-seeking and lunar colonization experiment is believed to be an attempt at seeing whether there are any natural resources on the moon. So, you know, we can maybe live there some day. With the Jetsons. And Will Robinson.

Now, there are some who believe that there might be an extraterrestrial base sitting over on the dark side of the moon as well ... and I'm not even referring to any of the Pink Floyd band either, but, rather, citing eyewitness accounts given the NSA by astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. There are others who think this LCROSS mission is a transgression or a hostile act breaching the conventions of something called 'The U.N. Outer Space Treaty,' which states, among other things, that "the moon and all other celestial bodies shall be used....for peaceful purposes."

Well of course the moon should be used for peaceful purposes only. Can't we all just get along? I mean, what did the moon ever do to us?

Especially the lovely and big, beautiful, full moons that occur after the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere each year. In fact this month's Harvest Moon and next month's Hunter's one are bigger and brighter and more colorful than any of the other full moons that rise all year long. All that extra added light made it easier, once upon a time, for farmers to stay late gathering their crops or hunters to, well, hunt. Hence the Native American moniker of the Elk Calling Moon. Some studies actually show that birds rely on the light of this moon to migrate as well. Norse lore says that this Harvest moon-time is the most powerful of the whole year and that the light from this moon beams abundance blessings from the god Loki. We love Loki.

The Celts call this lunar event the Singing Moon while the Pagans call it a Wine one. I think they can pretty much go hand in hand as both ideals envisage the festive spirit that soars when grapes are at their juiciest and the harvesters are both giddy and gay. The Chinese call it the Chrysanthemum Moon paying homage to the beauty of that specific fall foliage. In fact, the philosophy of Feng Shui says that to garner good fortune, recognition, rewards, and fame, you should place a yellow chrysanthemum in your home and/or office on October 9th. Putting this plant in your space on that exact date is believed to plant some serious luck on your personal path.

If you want to tap into the powerful energies these autumn moons offer then wear oranges and yellows and purples. Drink wine and eat pumpkin seeds and be grateful for all the abundance in your life. As the Irish would say: "May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night and a smooth road all the way to your door." I couldn't agree more.

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