The Most Nutritious Dairy-Free Milks

The Most Nutritious Dairy-Free Milks

At any given time, my refrigerator has at least three different types of milk in it. I have cow’s milk for my family, soy milk for tea and usually almond milk because it can have half the calories of skim milk -- making it an easy way to cut calories without really giving anything up.

To compare cow’s milk to the new non-dairy milk alternatives, here’s a look at what’s best for refrigerated and shelf-stable milk products.

Cow's Milk(01 of06)
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Skim (1-cup serving): 80 calories, 0 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 8 g protein, 30 percent of your daily value (DV) of calcium, and 25 percent DV Vitamin D. Milk also offers potassium, phosphorus, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, riboflavin and niacin.The skinny: Cow's milk is loaded with nutrients and it's also a natural source of whey protein and leucine, compounds that may provide benefits for burning fat and gaining muscle. Always choose skim or 1 percent, because 2 percent and whole milk are rich in saturated fat.More from Amazing Benefits of MilkBest Superfoods for Weight Loss10 Types of Food That Can Make You Sick (credit:Getty)
Soy Milk(02 of06)
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Original flavor (1-cup serving): 100 calories, 4 g fat, 0.5 g saturated fat, 6 g protein, 30 percent DV calcium and 30 percent DV Vitamin D. Soy milk also offersVitamin A, iron, riboflavin, folate, Vitamin B12, potassium and magnesium.The skinny: Soy milk is a fortified vegetarian option that provides the calcium and Vitamin D of cow's milk but is naturally lower in saturated fat. Plus, because it's plant based, it provides beneficial compounds that may protect against heart disease and certain types of cancer. (credit:Getty)
Coconut Milk(03 of06)
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Original flavor (1-cup serving): 80 calories, 5 g fat, 5 g saturated fat, 1 g protein, 45 percent DV calcium, 25 percent DV Vitamin D and 50 percent DV Vitamin B12.The skinny: Coconuts are a source of medium-chain fatty acids, which are thought to be burned more readily as fuel rather than being stored as fat. However, since the research is not conclusive and coconut milk is rich in saturated fat, I wouldn't make it my main source of milk. (credit:Flickr: Will Merydith)
Almond Milk(04 of06)
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Unsweetened Almond Breeze (1-cup serving): 40 calories, 3 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 45 percent DV calcium, 25 percent DV Vitamin D and 50 percent DV Vitamin E. Almond milk also offers riboflavin, Vitamin B12 and zinc.The skinny: This is a calorie bargain because its first ingredient is water. Most almond milk varieties have more calcium than cow's milk does. Like many of the other nondairy sources, almond milk is 100 percent lactose free. (credit:Flickr:
Rice Milk(05 of06)
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Original flavor (1-cup serving): 120 calories, 2 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 1 g protein, 30 percent DV calcium, 25 percent DV Vitamin D and 25 percent DV Vitamin B12. Rice milk also provides phosphorus.The skinny: Rice milk is considered the least allergenic of all milk products, and it's dairy- and nut-free. It is higher in calories and lower in protein than most other milk products. (credit:Flickr: SweetOnVeg)
Hemp Milk(06 of06)
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Original flavor (1-cup serving): 100 calories, 6 g fat, 0.5 g saturated fat, 2 g protein, 30 percent DV calcium, 25 percent DV Vitamin D, 25 percent DV riboflavin and 25 percent DV Vitamin B12. Hemp milk also provides phosphorus and magnesium.The skinny: You won't get the munchies after drinking this milk that's made from the seeds of the edible part of marijuana plants. It is lower in protein than most other nondairy milk products.More from Amazing Benefits of MilkBest Superfoods for Weight Loss10 Types of Food That Can Make You Sick (credit:Flickr:

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