Filming in Padova

Filming in Padova
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It's great to be joined by my film crew as we begin shooting the last episodes of our new television season (which airs this fall). We're spending six days filming in Verona, Ravenna, and Padova (a.k.a. Padua). Here are a few shots that illustrate the fun we're having as we kick things off in Padova. Just half an hour from Venice, Padova is a university town with 60,000 students and a wonderfully youthful vibe.

Meeting the Crew for a New TV Show in the Veneto
Each episode of my series starts with a goofy "tease" where I welcome our viewers with some intimate activity -- shearing a lamb, sizing up an octopus, or sweating in a sauna. For this show, I relieved a man of his artichoke-trimming work. Not quite trusting the rawhide glove and the razor-sharp knife, I gingerly topped the artichoke and said, "We're back with more of the best of Europe..." Here you can see me behind the artichoke stand, reviewing the footage cameraman Karel Bauer shot.

Hanging Loose Under a Tomb
All over town, young people -- apparently without a lot of private space in their apartments -- hang out and kiss and cuddle in public spaces. These students seemed very comfortable literally under the medieval tomb of one of their city's historic fathers.

The Aperitivo Ritual
All over Italy, people enjoy the early evening on the piazza with a spritz and friends. The local Campari drink is just an excuse for people to get together and enjoy some quality time as the sun sets, the floodlights come on, and --regardless, it seems, of the economy, the politicians, or your family troubles -- life is good. We had an easy time making friends with the camera rolling and enjoying this slice of the Italian dolce vita.

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