Mindfulness Adding Happiness to Life

Mindfulness Adding Happiness to Life
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Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic, the Center for Mindfulness, and the mindfulness meditation guru who founded Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), has made many memorable quotes, but the one that resonates the most with me is

As long as you are breathing, there is more right with you than wrong with you.

This, I believe, says it all. Or, all we really need to know, anyway.

Do we have problems? Of course, we do. And, while it always seems that our problems are worse than those of other people, the truth is that we simply all feel our own problems more than those of others. Yet, isn't this more a function of where we choose to focus our attention rather than the complexities of the hurdles at hand?

While there may not be an easy answer to anyone's problems, there is a way to ease our worries, and help others at the same time; try directing your focus in a new direction, and help others at the same time.

  • No matter your religion or beliefs, there is a world around you that would appreciate your efforts in helping those less fortunate than yourself. Whether donating gently worn clothing, canned goods, or time in a soup kitchen, a multitude of people would appreciate your attention and time.
  • Children are always of special concern and appreciative of attention directed their way. Warmer clothing, more school supplies, or gifts for their holiday celebrations would always bring a smile to a child's face. Being a volunteer tutor or buddy at a school or afterschool program would connect you with children who need academic support or an adult mentor.
  • Do you like being outside amongst nature? Have you thought about volunteering for the Parks and Recreation Center? Or just taking walks every day, taking a trash bag with you to collect any litter that is spoiling the scenery?
  • Do you love animals? There are hordes of animals needing new families. Consider adopting a pet, or serving as a foster parent for an animal until a permanent home is found for the animal. Or just volunteer at an animal shelter! The pets would love it, and so would you.
  • Do you feel a void because your parents or grandparents don't live nearby? Spend some time with the elderly. Help deliver meals, give some time at a retirement home helping residents learn a skill, playing cards, or just visiting?

There are so many options available to us all, but how many really take the time to follow through. I'm pretty sure that if you gave your time to others, or involved in activities that would improve your community, soon you might find your focus directed less on your own worries, and more on the improvements you are making in the world around you. And that's when that quote from Jon Kabat-Zinn might ring even more true for you. It will be even easier for you to see everything that is right in your world, and your joy will spread.

Give it a try, and let me know.

Follow Dr. Wolbe on her website, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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