This Is What Stress Physically Feels Like

This Is What Stress Physically Feels Like

Can we all just release a collective sigh over how annoying stress is?

Beyond the inconvenience of feeling stressed out, regular bouts of anxiety can seriously mess with your health. Persistant, daily stress can lead to increased risk of chronic diseases, heart problems and changes in the brain. Workplace stress also results in approximately $125 billion to $190 billion in U.S. healthcare costs each year.

A little stress is inevitable -- and luckily there are ways to reduce it -- so we can all take solace in the fact that we're not alone in feeling this way. We asked our social community to explain what stress physically feels like for them and illustrated some of their responses. Although worrying is universal, the experience isn't exactly one-size-fits-all.

"Like a huge knot in my stomach." -- Norine Stauske (via Facebook)

"It feels like being caught in a tsunami; the rolling of the wave keeps you from figuring out which direction to swim." -- Larissa Valkyrie (via Facebook)

"I feel like a shark bit me in the stomach." -- Edu Gonzalez (via Facebook)

"For me stress is like a hazy fog that is so thick it literally slows me down." -- Melissa Petitt (via Facebook)

"It feels like the walls are closing in. A vice grip on my body." -- Carol Smitherman-Marques (via Facebook)

"A volcanic mountain close to eruption [with] lots of pressure building up. Everything is amplified around me." -- Rhonda DeEtte Dostal (via Facebook)

"Stress feels like carrying around a mental cinderblock. You can hold it for a few minutes and not get tired (an actual cinderblock weighs 28 pounds) but if you carry it around for an hour it will fatigue you, carry it around for a day it will hurt you, continue to carry it long term and it can literally kill you." -- John Brubaker (via email)

"I feel like I am an Egyptian mummy wrapped all over and the pyramid is put on top of me." -- TC Bahar Ergun Tunc (via Facebook)

"It feels like a weight on my shoulders, gravity pulling me down and a sense of dread." -- Cherrie L. Page (via Facebook)

"Stress is like being hugged by a giant." -- Monica Mercedes Perez Jimenez

What does stress physically feel like to you? Share your experience in the comments below.

Before You Go

Stress-Busters For Better Sleep
Start A Worry Journal(01 of06)
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Before you get into bed, spend 10 minutes or so writing down what's really troubling you in a journal or on a piece of paper -- anything from work and family concerns to some issue or question that's really bugging you, Ojile says. "The reality is that writing it down in a worry journal isn't going to solve the problem," he says. But what it can do is give you a place to put down your thoughts and let them go until tomorrow. (credit:Alamy)
Take A Bath(02 of06)
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The benefits here are twofold. First, water tends to be soothing psychologically, Ojile says, which can help ease built-up stress from the day. But it can also benefit our sleep: The act of cooling the body, like that which happens when you get out of a warm tub, makes us feel tired.Don't want the fuss of taking a bath? Sipping a cup of warm, non-caffeinated green tea can trigger that same cooling response in the body, Ojile explains. (credit:Alamy)
Say A Prayer (Or Meditate!)(03 of06)
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If your mom told you to say your prayers before bed, she was on to something. No matter what you believe in, the act itself can help quiet your brain."In order to pray or to meditate in a very effective way, you've got to let go of those things in life that are the same ones that keep you from sleeping," Ojile says. Both prayer and meditation can quiet the brain, which will ultimately keep you from tossing and turning in bed. And the act of repetition, like saying the rosary prayers in order, for instance, seems to be especially powerful, he adds. (credit:Alamy)
Take A Walk(04 of06)
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While some might find that strenuous exercise too close to bedtime only makes sleep more elusive, taking a leisurely walk a couple of hours before turning in can actually help."An evening walk is a really helpful to help get rid of some of those stresses and strains from the day," Ojile says. "You always feel better after a walk." (credit:Alamy)
Relax Your Muscles(05 of06)
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One old-fashioned technique that can trigger sleep is called progressive muscle relaxation, which Ojile describes as almost a form of meditation and yoga. Here's how it works: Start down at your feet and work your way up the body, focusing on relaxing each part, one at a time. When you get to your core, take some deep breaths. "As you get to the deep breathing, you're by nature going to be ready for sleep," he says. "You're naturally feeling more calm and relaxed." (credit:Alamy)
Cuddle Up(06 of06)
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Spending some time cuddling with a partner before bed stimulates the kind of emotions that are, by nature, calming, Ojile explains. And that means better sleep.Having sex can also help (we bet you won't say no to that assignment). "It may prevent sleep immediately," he says, "but ultimately it promotes sleep and relaxation. (credit:Alamy)

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