Tight Hamstrings? This Simple Yogic Stretch Will Do The Trick -- No Matter How Inflexible You Are

Tight Hamstrings? This Simple Yogic Stretch Will Do The Trick -- No Matter How Inflexible You Are

You don't have to be super bendy to practice yoga. In fact, the less flexible you are, the more likely you need to incorporate yoga into your life (after all, it'll improve your bend-ability).

In the video above, yogi Jules Mitchell demonstrates how to safely stretch your hamstrings through a series of forward folds. Mitchell reveals modifications throughout the clip, so even if you can't touch your toes while standing up straight, you'll be able to benefit from these moves.

Before You Go

8 Hip Stretches Your Body Really Needs
Deep Squat Stand(01 of08)
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Get into a deep squat with chest and eyes up and forward. Keep your core contracted and upright. Hold onto the front of each shoe. Then as you stand and extend hips back, continue holding onto the front of each shoe to full extension. Repeat nine more times.This stretch improves hip and leg mobility while stretching your hip and hamstrings. (credit:Brick New York)
Samson Stretch(02 of08)
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Interlace your thumbs and raise your arms overhead. Engage your shoulders and shrug them up towards your ears. Step forward into a lunge with the knee of the rear leg touching the floor. Stretch your hands up towards the ceiling as you sink into the lunge and push your hips forward as your arms reach back behind you. Stand up out of the lunge and repeat on the other side.This move stretches and lengthens the arms, shoulders, and back while stretching the hip flexors as well. (credit:Brick New York)
Couch Stretch(03 of08)
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Find a wall and get down on all fours and move your bent knee back into the wall with your shin and the top of your foot touching the wall. Then bring the forward leg into a 90-degree angle with the knee directly over the ankle. Then stand tall with your torso and your chest and eyes up looking forward to the opposite side of the room. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings to prevent hyperextending your lower back. Hold for 30 seconds and switch to the other side.You will feel an intense stretch on the right front side of your hip. (credit:Brick New York)
Toy Soldier(04 of08)
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Stand upright with feet under the hips. Core engaged and gaze forward. Raise your right arm toward the ceiling. Then swing your left leg up towards the ceiling as your right hand lowers to tap your left foot. Return to standing position and repeat on the opposite side. Do 10 toy soldiers to each side. This dynamic stretch will take your hip flexors through a forward range of motion. (credit:Brick New York)
Figure 4 Hip Stretch (05 of08)
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This stretch will externally rotate your hip. You can do this stretch on a box or a table. You'll need a box or table that you can bend one leg and lay the front of the leg or the shin on the box. Keep your torso erect and your core engaged. Keep mild pressure on the leg to try and keep the leg as flat on the table or box as you can. Hold for a 5-count and repeat on the other leg.This stretch targets the hip muscles and the hip joint. (credit:Brick New York)
Goblet Squat Hold(06 of08)
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The goblet squat hold is literally holding a kettle bell in the bottom of a squat. This is an isometric hold which is super effective at improving hip flexibility. You want to use a moderately heavy weight. Flip the kettle bell upside down and hold it by the belly of the bell, or the part that would resemble a goblet. Lower into the bottom of the squat with the elbows just inside the knees. Use your elbows to drive your knees outward increasing the stretch on the adductors. Hold this stretch for 10 deep inhales and exhales.This is a great stretch for the hips, hamstrings, and glutes, while also strengthening them as well. It also targets the hip flexors and stretches the groin. (credit:Brick New York)
Spiderman Stretch (07 of08)
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Start in the pushup position. Step forward with the left leg outside of the left hand. Drive the hips forward and hold for five seconds. Return to the start position and repeat on the right leg. Alternate for five reps on each side.This stretch targets the hip flexors. (credit:Brick New York)
Banded Child Stretch (08 of08)
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Put a medium resistance band around your hips and your glutes and sit your glutes as close to a wall as you can. Loop each side of the band around each knee. Place your feet against the wall with your back flat on the ground. Rest your hands on you knees. Contract your legs in towards each other for two seconds and then let them relax out to the side. Do this 10 times. This stretches the inner thighs or the adductors. (credit:Brick New York)

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