How to Find Happiness and Ways to Be Happy?

If you are hitting your head against a brick wall and looking for the light at the end of the tunnel and how to find happiness. You can to start to believe that you are worthy of all the gifts life offers and you can attract these into your life.
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Create your Own Destiny and Ways to be Happy

Are you looking for love, abundance and prosperity? Then I can share my journey with you and give you ways to be happy.

Life is so short, I turned 47 on June 14 and I recently finished up a long contract in project management. I was back on the market and looking for a new role. I was desperate to find a new position and this was projecting through me when going to interviews.

I was on a new journey of finding myself as no work was showing up, I was having thoughts that I was not good enough, why can I not find a new role, what's wrong with me. These are all limiting thoughts and beliefs which create more lack and no opportunities showed up.

Finding Ways to be Happy Hangout Video:

I did a Google Hangout with my business partner, Malcolm Watson, and we talked about our experiences and how to find happiness.

Here is a list of the key words we used to talk about.

Help, Share, Lead, Smile, Fun, Abundance, Prosperity, Love, Forgiveness, Faith and Trust.

I decided to start my own online business from home in January 14 and create my own future.

It's now sixth of August and I have been running my online business for eight months. I have had many turns and emotional moments on my journey and I am still on that journey now.

I am at a point where I need to find ways to be happy and attract prosperity and abundance into my life. At times this can be difficult as we are programmed with rules, pressure from society, paying bills and we are constantly thinking what others think of us.

I have a family to support and bills to pay, I am despite to pays these bills. But I know that if I keep that mindset of desperation, I will not create ways to be happy and attract prosperity and abundance in my life.

It can be a humbling feeling to go throughout this journey of not having enough and keeping the faith and trusting that the universe is going to provide for what I am asking for.

Change your mindset so that you deserve success:

I have learned that if you do not think that you deserve abundance and prosperity then you never will have it. There is so much truth with this phrase: "If you think you can you are probably right." So beware what you think about.

This might sound a bit New Age, weird, touchy feely and spiritual but it works. Many people are starting to practice some form of meditation and relaxation. Which helps to manifest more ways to be happy and has many health benefits.

Arianna Huffington has written a new book called Thrive that highlights these principles. That we all need to have a form of relaxation and meditation to prevent burnout in our busy lives.

Introduce meditation into your daily routine and manifest more ways to be happy

I am still working on my mindset, this will be a life long journey of improvement. I listen to Wayne Dyer and I have started to do morning meditations. This helps my mindset to build faith and trust in the universe. Listen to the work of Wayne Dyer and you will be happy to see how your life will change and create more ways to be happy.

You will live a more relaxed joyful life and stop chasing all those shinny objects, you will find an inner peace in yourself.

So if you are hitting your head against a brick wall and looking for the light at the end of the tunnel and how to find happiness. You can to start to believe that you are worthy of all the gifts life offers and you can attract these into your life.

If you are struggling with an addiction, looking to attract a partner in your life, looking to get a promotion and looking to heal your body. Ask for what you desire, believe and trust in the force of the universe and you will manifest what you want and ways to be happy.

That is the power of the universe it's limitless, imagine and feel the power of love, faith and trust.

I hope you have got some value out of my blog post.

Please feel free to comment and I will be happy to answer your questions.

To your success and abundance,

Visit David's site here.

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