Style Tips From Virgin Atlantic's RUNWAY Magazine (PHOTOS)

PHOTOS: Fashion & Beauty Tips, Courtesy Of Virgin Atlantic
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If you've ever sat cramped, in a middle seat in coach, on a red-eye flight, you likely understand the swollen feet, baggy eyes, pale skin, crumpled clothes and general feeling of discomfort and dishevelment that results when you finally arrive at your destination. On the contrary, if you're in business or first-class on a red-eye flight, you likely also understand the swollen feet, baggy eyes, pale skin, and crumpled clothes and general feeling of dishevelment with these flights. The point: it's not about where you sit, it's about how you groom that prepares you for arrival. And who better to teach us the tips and tricks for looking and feeling good at 35,000-feet than those who fly on a daily basis?

I caught up with Rebecca Creer, senior spa and grooming manager for Virgin Atlantic Airways, to get her tips on looking good after a long flight. Virgin recently launched the first edition of its "grooming manual" (something all airlines and hotels have) in the form of a magazine called RUNWAY, meant to act as a beauty and grooming guide for its employees. (*SEE PHOTOS BELOW*)

"It was a guide to how you wear your uniform, but I wanted it to be more inspirational and fun. Your look is such a massive part of your brand. Instead of saying grooming manual, we wanted to make a magazine," said Creer. "Our people are our models."

Creer says much of the inspiration the grooming team gets for their guide comes from top magazines.

"We see what looks are coming in, and we'll work to help them translate that into [employees] current uniforms," said Creer. "Could be anything from lipsticks to hairdos."

[Ed. note: Virgin Atlantic flight attendants were named the "hottest in the sky" last year. Virgin Blue, the Australian arm of the airline, gained traction last year when Elle Macpherson modeled the latest uniforms by "Project Runway"'s Juli Grbac.]

While there's no denying flight attendants always have a put-together look about them, what I really wanted to know were the little secrets that kept them looking this way.

"Be careful with what you eat. People tend to eat food because it's in front of them. On a night flight, eat light. I always have a banana - it is good for you and helps induce sleep," said Creer. "I also always carry chamomile tea because it's so calming for the stomach and helps with bloating. I also carry a pashmina - it can be used for so many things - and for night flights always carry facial wipes so you can take your makeup off."

Creer's never-fly-without-product? Eye drops. A few drops before you fall asleep will keep your eyes refreshed and hydrated, and help reduce swelling.

While all this grooming and product information is essential, there is one piece of the puzzle we have to explore: repositioning yourself for arrival. You don't want to walk off the plane looking like you've just spent hours cramped in an aluminum tube, but it's not always easy to reapply makeup and freshen up in a 2x2 airplane lavatory. Creer's solution: the iPad.

"I don't often put my makeup on in the bathroom. Because of the lighting, you tend to put on too much. Once the lights go on, I use my iPad, put my camera setting on, and do my makeup at my seat," said Creer.

Who knew the hottest trend in technology could also be a beauty aid?

In-flight Fashion
Flying in fashion(01 of13)
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Virgin Atlantic's RUNWAY magazine serves as the company's grooming manual. In its first edition, the airline uses its own employees from around the world in the magazine to debut how-to-wear the airline approved clothes, and how to rock the accessories that add a bit of bling to the standard uniform.
Rocking in the red uniform(02 of13)
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RUNWAY kicks off with a quick look at the essentials: the jacket, the skirt, the name badge, the belts and the shoes (and yes, there's a page for the men, too). RUNWAY style tip: Wire hangers are good for something... To stop static, rub a wire coat hanger over your clothes to get rid of all that static electricity.
The scarf and shoes(03 of13)
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Nothing pulls an outfit together like accessories. The scarf and shoes are provided by Uniforms, Virgin Atlantic's "boutique".
Shoe fever(04 of13)
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Every woman knows your shoes can make or break the look, which is why we give Virgin props for offering a few different versions of ground shoes and flight shoes for their employees. These red shoes are a Virgin staple, and have been around since the airline's inception in 1984. For Virgin employees, the maximum heel height is 3 inches.Cleaning tip from RUNWAY: if your shoes get smelly, fill them with orange peel overnight and in the morning they'll smell fruity and fresh.
Accent with accessories(05 of13)
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Next time you're on a Virgin Atlantic flight, take a closer look at the accessories your flight attendants and ground crew are wearing. Simple, classic and understated make the statement. Virgin says rings should be silver or gold tone, and of a classic and simple design (read: no gaudy costume jewelry, and the airline says no rings on the index finger or thumb.) Earrings should always be worn, and need to be plain silver or white gold round studs. Necklaces aren't allowed due to safety reasons, but if the necklace has religious significance, Virgin allows employees to pin it to the inside of their uniform. Bangle bracelets aren't allowed for safety reasons. The one accessory all employees must wear: watches. Leave the Hello Kitty and polka dot decor at home, though. On airline employees, all watches must be conservative in style and have a second hand or second digits.
Cleaning tips(06 of13)
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What to do when your jewelry tarnishes? Virgin discovered that gold jewelry can look brand new soaking it in gin for a few minutes, then rinsing in warm water.
Face paint(07 of13)
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A little coverage goes a long way. Beauty tips, provided by the grooming staff at RUNWAY, include face base techniques so you look good throughout the flight. Here's what you need to know about choosing your base:Matte bases are suitable for blemished skin and help hide any flaws. Light reflective foundation is best for mature skin, because the light reflection gives the skin a more youthful look. Gel foundations provide a dewy appearance. Mineral based make-up provides natural looking cover that's also really good for the skin. (Creer recommends Bare Minerals base makeup for a mineral-based foundation).Tinted moisturizers give a light covering, and are suitable for men or for women seeking a softer look.
Lip speak(08 of13)
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Like most airlines, lipstick is an essential part of the appearance at Virgin Atlantic. The rule here is red (also common in other airlines) but the nice thing about red is that it comes in various shades.RUNWAY tip: A lip liner enhances your lip shape, prevents bleeding of your lipstick, and helps your lipstick stay in place.
Eyes(09 of13)
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Eyes should be soft and natural, according to RUNWAY guidelines. A tip from the beauty experts: Place some powder underneath your eyes to catch particles of eye makeup that fall during application.
Eye therapy(10 of13)
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One of Creer's must-have travel accessories is Dr. Hauschka's eye solace. Perfect for those on red-eye or international flights, the eye solace helps reduce swelling and redness, and gives your eyes a little boost of brightness so you arrive looking like you slept a full 8 hours in flight.
Cleaning tips(11 of13)
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Standard issued suitcases are given to Virgin employees, but here's the company's best packing tip: always pack your shoes first, and fill them with socks and underwear to make the most of your case space.
Sharp-dressed man(12 of13)
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Looking sharp is part of the job for gents at Virgin, but we think these tips are good practice for all men:Trousers should always be pressed and the hemline should sit on the top ridge of your shoe heel; always polish your shoes; and for a truly royal look, it's British tradition (and Virgin Atlantic's), to always wear the bottom button undone on your vest or tailored coat.
Get the look(13 of13)
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It doesn't matter if you're walking a catwalk or running through an airport terminal, a put-together look makes all the difference at the end of the day. Unfortunately, mishaps happen - like stains and static - so here are a few last-minute grooming tips from the team at Virgin Atlantic:For pen marks on your handbag: Spray the area with hairspray then wipe.Stains on clothes: Try removing the stain with a stain-remover from the back of the stain. If you apply it on the front the stain may spread Effective packing: Always button the buttons on your shirts, blouse, and jackets before packing them in your suitcase. This helps them retain their shape while residing in the small bag.


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