This Tea Shop Probably Regrets Starting A Sign War With Wendy's

A battle for the ages.

Wendy’s is known for its clever comebacks on social media, and now one location is taking them to the streets. 

About a month ago, Pure Water Ice & Tea Company in Lubbock, Texas used its marquee board to call out the Wendy’s across the road, local news outlet KCBD reported. Wendy’s clapped back. Since then, the two businesses have engaged in a searing sign war, with each changing its slogan in response to the other. 

The current comments are as hot as a fresh-cooked beef patty.

Here’s a closer look.

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Twitter/Dylan Bruton
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Twitter/Dylan Bruton

Twitter users are documenting the sign war, which is completely good-humored, according to Pure Water server Brad Luzietti. He says his shop has posted six or seven signs so far, with no plans to stop.

“We put up a new sign whenever we get an idea. If [Wendy’s changes] their sign, we’ll start thinking hardcore about ours,” he told HuffPost. “Some people drive by to look, and some have come in to ask about it.”

Past sign volleys include tea puns, beef puns and jabs at the war itself. 

We can’t wait to see what comes next.

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