STFU, Parents: What Not To Share On Facebook This Summer [PHOTOS]

LOOK: 9 Things NOT To Share On Facebook
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For as long as people have been having kids, there have been "parental overshares": the moments when moms and dads complain a little too graphically about pregnancy -- or comment a tad too knowingly on someone else's kids' behavior. In the age of Facebook, those overshares have found a much larger audience, and B., an anonymous 30-year-old non-parent, created a way for everyone to enjoy them.

In 2009, B. launched the submission-based blog STFU, Parents to compile cringe-worthy and often hilarious "kidformation."

"My friends were starting to have kids, and suddenly they were posting a lot of baby minutiae," she told The Huffington Post. "I figured other people were probably experiencing a similar trend, so I started the blog and the rest is history." What B. didn't realize was how much parents would be telling Facebook friends about their kids' bodily fluids. "That would become the most common type of submission. And it can get really gross," she says.

Now that it's summer, B. thinks there are even more opportunities for over-sharing -- "When you mix kids and swimming, there are bound to be accidents, all of which get posted to Facebook" -- and she has graciously provided nine examples of what NOT to do when you enter the realm of social media during the warmer months.

Click through the slideshow to vote for the most egregious overshares below, and join STFU, Parents on Facebook and Twitter.

Before You Go

9 Things Parents Should Avoid Posting About On Facebook This Summer
1. Violence Against The Ice Cream Man(01 of08)
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The ice cream man annoys everyone at some point. Not just parents of napping babies. This summer, parents should try to contain their violent rants against people who peddle ice cream for a living. Ice cream men provide a delicious service. (credit:Courtesy of STFU, Parents)
2. Being a Sanctimommy(02 of08)
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This summer, don't call people out on Facebook for wanting to sleep in. Just because you enjoy waking up at 5 A.M. with your baby doesn't mean everyone else should, too. (credit:Courtesy of STFU, Parents)
3. Family Time(03 of08)
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If you want to have a dead skin foot party at home with your kids, by all means break out the tweezers. But don't post about it on Facebook. Keep it in the family. (credit:Courtesy of STFU, Parents)
4. Bodily Fluids(04 of08)
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What happens in the backseat of a parent's car should stay in the backseat of a parent's car. Metaphorically speaking, I mean. No one needs to know that little Elliot barfed after jumping on a trampoline in the heat. As long as he'll live, everyone else can live not knowing about it (or its smell). (credit:Courtesy of STFU, Parents)
5. Pregnancy Woes(05 of08)
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I'm not sure what the difference between 69 and 70 degrees is, particularly when a person is pregnant, but I do know that Alicia's friends no longer care to hear about her hardships. She made them uneasy with her "sweaty butt crack" description, so why should she get to be comfortable? (credit:Courtesy of STFU, Parents)
6. Don't Be a Jerk(06 of08)
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If you knowingly take your infected child to a public pool, have the self-respect not to brag about it online. Sure, you're doing everyone else who goes to that pool a favor by making an announcement, but you come off looking like a giant asshole at the same time. (credit:Courtesy of STFU, Parents)
7. Floaters(07 of08)
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Don't paint a summery picture for your friends if that picture includes a turd, two dogs, and a disappearing act. Post a picture of your child swimming before she defecates in a body of water. That's what your friends really want to see. (credit:Courtesy of STFU, Parents)
8. TMI(08 of08)
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This summer, don't let bitterness over your body get in the way of wishing a friend well on her bikini. Remember: "Our spirits need not droop as low as our post-baby breasts." That's a parenting adage I just made up. (credit:Courtesy of STFU, Parents)

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