5 Planks To Sculpt Your Core For Summer

Holding a plank can seem like an eternity sometimes. Time slows to a crawl. It's mind over matter. You, versus your quivering abdominals. Caught staring at the stopwatch again? Us, too. But the benefits of a good core workout keep us planking.
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By Alex Orlov for Life by DailyBurn

This workout comes to you from DailyBurn Fitness/Nutrition Coach Angela Rubin. You can find more no-equipment moves from DailyBurn's elite trainers at DailyBurn.com.

Holding a plank can seem like an eternity sometimes. Time slows to a crawl. It's mind over matter. You, versus your quivering abdominals. Caught staring at the stopwatch again? Us, too. But the benefits of a good core workout keep us planking.

Photo credit: Pond5

The humble plank targets your abdominals, shoulders, arms, legs, back and even your glutes, says Angela Rubin, DailyBurn Fitness/Nutrition coach, ISSA personal trainer and USAT Level 1 triathlon coach. "Core strength is the starting point of all movement," she says. "It really is the key part of the body in any sport." Plus, having good stability is crucial in order to react to the constantly changing environment around you. Planks also have sit-ups beat when it comes to protecting the lower back, since they are less likely to put pressure on the spine, Rubin says.

Since standard planks don't always bring the fun factor to workouts, we knew there had to be a more stimulating way to tone our midsection. So, we asked Rubin for some plank variations to keep your mind occupied and your waistline working.

5 Plank Variations to Bust Workout Boredom

First things first: Your form must be on point to get the most out of this move. "You don't want to let your hips sag or your back round," says Rubin. Translation: No hunched shoulders or rears sticking up in the air. For these variations, Rubin recommends starting in table top position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Next, extend your legs so you are balanced on your toes. This is a high plank position. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders down to your heels, with feet hip-width apart. Want an extra challenge? Bringing your feet closer together will create more instability to contend with during the workout.

Follow along with the GIFs below, listed from easiest to hardest, for a killer core workout. Perform all the exercises below for 30 seconds followed by 15 seconds of rest. (Experienced gym rats can shoot for 60 to 90 seconds.) Repeat for three rounds, or pick your favorites and tack them onto the end of your next workout for a great core-focused finisher.

1. Planks with Toe Taps

How to: Start in table top position and extend your legs behind you so you are balancing on your hands and toes. Your shoulders should be directly above your wrists and your feet should be together (a). Keeping your core engaged and maintaining a straight line from head to toe, swing your right leg to the side and gently tap your toes on the ground. Your right leg should be approximately 45 degrees from your left leg (b). Bring your right leg back to center. Now perform the movement with the left leg (c). Repeat these movements at a brisk pace for 30 seconds.

2. Jack Planks

How to: Start in a high plank position with hands planted firmly on the ground, wrists directly below your shoulders. and body in a straight line from head to toe (a). Jump your feet apart like you would do for a jumping jack. Keep your knees soft to help absorb the impact (b). Jump your feet back together, landing softly on the balls of your feet (c). Repeat at a brisk pace for 30 seconds.

3. Reach Around the Clock Planks

How to: Begin by performing a standard high plank, as detailed above (a). Keeping your body stable and not letting your hips sag, lift up your right arm and extend it over your head. Hold for one second, then extend your arm straight out to the right and hold for one second. Next, extend your arm straight back towards your feet and hold for one second (b). Bring your right arm back to the starting position (c). Repeat movements with the left arm (d). Continue alternating arms at a brisk pace for 30 seconds.

4. Side Planks with Reach Through

How to: This moves begins like a side plank: Lie on your right side. Place your right hand firmly on the ground and, engaging your core, raise your body up into a side plank, creating a straight line from your head to your toes. Your feet should be stacked on top of each other (a). Extend your left arm out from your shoulder so it is straight up in the air (b). Lower your arm in front of you and bring it below your right hip, like you are reaching for something behind you. Your shoulders and hips can twist a tiny bit, but your core should be working hard here (c). Bring your arm back above your body, extended upwards from your shoulder. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch to the left side and perform for 30 seconds (d). For an extra challenge, hold a light dumbbell in your free hand.

5. Spiderman Planks

How to: Start in a standard plank position, palms planted firmly on the ground. Maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your heels by engaging your core muscles. Your feet should be hip-width apart (a). Lift your right leg two or three inches off the ground and bring your right knee towards your right elbow while keeping your hips as stable as possible (b). Return your right leg back to the ground, and repeat on the left side (c). Alternate legs at a brisk pace for 30 seconds.

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No-Weight Workout
Starfish #1(01 of27)
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This posture is part of our standing core series. It is a great multitasker and calorie burner, working the waistline and the legs. Using 1lb weights targets the postural muscles that run up and down the spine and the lats, reinforcing beautiful and strong posture. Using light weight for this move also strengthens and lengthens the biceps and triceps in the arms.Props: 1 lb weightsTime: 2 minutes on each side/4 minutes totalReps: 60 on each sideSetup: Find a "Horse Pose" by stepping your feet out wide and turning your toes out to 10 and 2 o’clock. Bend your knees and glide your back down an imaginary wall. Press into your feet. If you look down, you’ll see that your knees are tracking over your middle toes (you can see your big toe). Your hips are level and square and your core is firm. Shoulders stack right over your hips. Relax your shoulders down your back. Movement A: Press your feet firmly into the floor and plié deeply into your Horse Pose by bending your knees. Reach one arm out to the side and at shoulder level height. This palm is facing up. The opposite elbow squeezes in toward your side, with the palm also facing up.
Starfish #2(02 of27)
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Movement B: Put the weight into your foot that’s on the same side as your straight/extended arm. Press into that foot in order to rebound and lift your opposite leg up and out to the side. The opposite arm sweeps overhead. Think about taking up space and lengthening your limbs. Then, return back to your starting position, lowering your lifted leg and arm back to their starting point. Modifications: ● For foot or ankle discomfort, or for extra balance, opt to keep both feet rooted into the floor and extend your arm overhead as you lean to the side. ● For shoulder discomfort, keep your arms in line with your shoulders.
Incline Seated Chair Ski Jumps #1(03 of27)
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A total body toner, using 1lb weights in this variation of movement targets the biceps, triceps, and postural muscles in the upper body, as well as the core, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. This move promotes a strong, lengthened and lean physique. Props: 1 lb weights Time: 1 minute Reps: 20 Setup: Bring feet hip-width distance apart. Bend knees and sink your seat down and back into an imaginary chair. Reach arms long back behind you with palms facing each other. Press into your feet. Your knees track slightly forward, your hips are level, and your core is firm. You are drawing your chest forward into a ski slope spine, and your shoulders are wide and melting down your back. Your arms are long and stick straight, in order to activate the triceps.
Ski Jump #2(04 of27)
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Movement A. Continue to firm into your feet. Squeeze your weights toward your shoulders, activating the front of the biceps.
Ski Jump #3(05 of27)
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Movement B. Push your feet deeper and lift your body up to your tallest self. Weights reach up overhead into a shoulder press. Shoulders continue to melt down your back.
LROM (Large Range of Motion) Alternating Beach Ball Lat Pull #1(06 of27)
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This move targets all of the large muscles in the lower body including the hamstrings, glutes, and quads, so it’s a major calorie burner and promotes the building of lean muscle mass. The upper body movement targets the lats which are large upper body postural muscles. The twist carves out the waistline and massages the organs which promotes a detox effect.Props: 1 lb weights Time: 2 minutes Reps: 30 on each side/60 total Setup: Find a Horse Pose by stepping your feet out wide and turning your toes out to 10 and 2 o’clock. Bend your knees and glide your back down an imaginary wall. Press into your feet. If you look down, you’ll see that your knees are tracking over your middle toes (you can see your big toe). Your hips are level and square and your core is firm. Shoulders stack right over your hips. Relax your shoulders down your back. Hug on to an imaginary beach ball. Movement A: Move more deeply into your Horse Pose by bending your knees.
Lat Pulls #2(07 of27)
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Movement B: Push into your feet, keep your core firm, and lengthen your legs. Pull one elbow back and twist at the waist while keeping your hips level. Return back to starting point and then repeat on the opposite side. You will alternate from side to side for the duration of this set.Modifications: ● If you have neck/shoulder discomfort, work with your arms lower. ● If you have low back or hip discomfort, work higher with the lower body and walk your feet closer together.
Incline Seated Chair/SROM Triceps Lifts (Small Range of Motion) #1(08 of27)
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This posture is a deep squat which targets the large, metabolism burning muscles in the lower body and the core. One-inch movement with 1lb weights targets the triceps, which creates strength and length in the arms.Props: 1lb weights Time: 2 minutesReps: 40Setup: Bring feet hip width distance apart. Bend knees and sink your seat down and back into an imaginary chair. Reach arms long back behind you with palms facing each other. Press into your feet. Your knees track slightly forward, your hips are level and your core is firm. You are drawing your chest forward into a ski slope spine and your shoulders are wide and melting down your back. Your arms are long and stick straight, reaching toward your waist.
Incline Seated Chair/SROM Triceps Lifts #2(09 of27)
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Movement: Lift arms up one inch. Return to starting point. Keep arms stick straight.
Elevated Mountain Climber(10 of27)
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Benefits: Full body strengthening, core stability Target: Core stabilityStart in a push-up position, with hands holding both sides of a block, shoulder-width apart. Pull one foot underneath you so that your knee is at chest level. As you pull it forward, bend it in, while the other leg remains extended. Return to start. To increase intensity, alternate foot position rapidly, almost like you're running on the spot. (credit:Equinox Toronto )
Elevated Plank(11 of27)
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Benefits: Using body weight, strengthening core stability Target: Abdominals, full bodyGet in the push-up position and place hands on either side of the block. Your elbows should line up directly underneath your shoulders. With toes on the ground, squeeze your glutes and tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep a neutral neck and spine. Create a straight, strong line from head to toes as you would in a plank. Hold that position and don’t forget to breathe through it. (credit:Equinox Toronto )
Pike(12 of27)
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Benefits: Increases abdominal and lower back strength, increases weight bearing abilityTarget: Abs, armsPlace both feet together and position them on a glider pad/towel on a flat smooth floor surface (we suggest a gym studio floor or kitchen floor). Next, keep palms on the floor under your shoulders. Now use your abs and legs, rolling the glider/towel to your middle, lifting your hips, and keeping your head down between your arms. (Your body should be in an inverted "V" shape.) Hold here for one count and then roll back to the start. Be sure to pull your abs in and keep your head even with your spine. (credit:Equinox Toronto )
V-Sit(13 of27)
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Benefits: Increases endurance, strengthen abdominals, balanceTarget: Chest, absSit on the floor with knees bent at a 45-degree angle, feet flat on the floor, and arms extended away from torso (use light weights to increase the difficulty). Sit as upright as possible by pulling your abdominals in, and your shoulders back and away from your ears. Align your ears over your shoulders and your shoulders over your hips to achieve a neutral position through your spine. Inhale, lift your chest and tuck your chin in slightly. As you exhale, lean back, maintaining the neutral spine position. Pause in this position long enough to breathe in; keep your hands extended and, as you exhale, return to the starting position. You should feel your tailbone tuck under slightly as you lean back. Keep your chest lifted and shoulders back, so your spine stays long, not compressed. (credit:Equinox Toronto )
Reverse Plank (14 of27)
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Benefits: Increased muscular strength and stability Target: CoreSit with forearms and palms planted on ground, below shoulders. Squeeze buttocks and thighs and push up into a reverse plank (on either elbows or straight arms). Hold for 30 seconds and work up to one to three minutes if you can. Remember to keep body in a straight line and don't let hips raise or lower. Be sure not to hold breath. (credit:Equinox Toronto )
Step-Ups (With Weights) (15 of27)
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Reps: Perform 15 reps per side, alternating the leading footMuscles worked: Quads, glutes, hamstringsInstructions in the next slide. (credit:Dave Laus)
Step-Ups (With Weights) (16 of27)
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Holding a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing inwards toward the body), stand straight and exhale while stepping the right foot onto the platform. As you move one foot up, concentrate on squeezing the glutes. (credit:Dave Laus)
Step-Ups (With Weights) (17 of27)
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Step the left foot up to meet the right foot. Inhale while stepping the right foot down first, followed by the left foot. (credit:Dave Laus)
Weighted Walking Lunge A(18 of27)
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Reps:Perform 15 reps on each leg.Muscles worked: Quads, glutes, hamstrings, calvesInstructions in the next slide. (credit:Dave Laus)
Ab Twists(19 of27)
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Reps: Perform 15 reps per sideMuscles worked: ObliquesInstructions in the next slide. (credit:Dave Laus)
Ab Twists(20 of27)
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Sit with knees bent and heels close to the rear. With a flat back, recline slightly while holding a weight with both hands. Twist your weight to the side, return to centre and then twist to the other side. For something more advanced, lift your feet a few inches off the ground. If you're not comfortable with weights, use a medicine ball. (credit:Dave Laus)
Bicep Curl (21 of27)
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Reps: 15 reps on each side Muscles worked: bicepsInstructions in the next slide. (credit:Dave Laus)
Bicep Curl (22 of27)
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Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, with arms facing inwards. Curl the right weight up, rotating the palm from facing the side to behind you. Lower the right weight to its start position and then repeat on the left side. Keep your chest out and make sure the rest of your body is stable. (credit:Dave Laus)
Push-Up Row(23 of27)
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Reps: 15 reps per sideMuscles worked: Pecs, back, delts, biceps, absInstructions in the next slide. (credit:Dave Laus)
Push-Up Row(24 of27)
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Place dumbbells slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Get into a push-up position with hands placed on your dumbbells. (credit:Dave Laus)
Push Up Row (25 of27)
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Do a push-up, return to the starting position and row one dumbbell back, squeezing the deltoids (shoulder muscles). Place the dumbbell back on the ground and repeat on the other side. (credit:Dave Laus)
Sumo Squat (26 of27)
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Reps:15Muscles worked: Quads, glutesInstructions in the next slide. (credit:Dave Laus)
Sumo Squat (27 of27)
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Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart and turn toes outward, in a plié position, holding a weight vertically with straight arms. Squat low without rounding the back or shoulder forward. Ensure that heels stay flat on the ground. Press back up to a standing position. (credit:Dave Laus)

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