Bill Maher Torches Donald Trump’s Caravan Fearmongering: ‘Like A Racist Paul Revere’

"Every day it gets worse," said the host of "Real Time."

President Donald Trump’s fearmongering about the migrant caravan traveling through Mexico drew Bill Maher’s ire on Friday night.

The “Real Time” host lamented how “every day it gets worse” ahead of Tuesday’s midterm elections.

“Trump is like a racist Paul Revere. ‘The migrants are coming! The migrants are coming!’” he quipped. “He keeps calling it an invasion. Yes, an invasion of strollers.”

Maher also bashed Fox News over its coverage of the thousands of refugees fleeing violence and poverty. The group is currently around 800 miles from the U.S. border.

The conservative network “treats this like it’s the zombie apocalypse. But zombies eat brains, why would they be heading toward America?” he joked.

Check out the clip here:

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