A Year's Worth Of Wisdom From HuffPost Parents Bloggers

55 Things You Taught Us About Parenting In 2013

From babyhood to graduation and beyond, we proudly present a selection of the many, many lessons we learned from HuffPost Parents bloggers in 2013.


You are going to suck at this parenting gig and be awesome at it at the same time, all the time.“You will be a different parent every morning to a child who will also be different, sometimes changing in just hours, or minutes, or before your eyes. There will be good days and bad days, good minutes and bad minutes, good choices and not-so-good ones. You will do some things, probably a lot of things, wrong. Be gentle with yourself, because you are wildly loved and incredibly needed.” -- Karyn Thurston

Don’t read all the baby sleep books."Sleep when the baby sleeps. Clean when the baby cleans. Don't worry. Stress causes your baby stress and a stressed baby won't sleep."-- Ava Neyer

Post-baby bod is a four letter word.“I've been doing the pregnant/kid thing since March 2010, and in that time I've noticed one thing: Our cultural conversation about pregnancy, birth and motherhood is way off from what the actual experience is. And it's hurting women.” -- Kate Spencer You are always, ALWAYS doing something wrong, so stop worrying about it.“Of course there are plenty of amazing, beautiful, transformative moments -- but those generally take place when you are on the toilet by yourself. The rest of [parenting] is messy, both physically and emotionally. You will survive it, but it will not always be pretty. THIS IS NORMAL.” -- Una LaMarche

No matter how you choose to feed your child, we support you.“We all feed our children differently, but we are all feeding with love, and in ways that work for our individual circumstances and family dynamics.” - Kim Simon, Suzanne Barston and Jamie-Lynne Grumet Forget the “terrible twos.” The threes are where it’s at.“Every day, I suit up for battle. It's not just the usual twice-a-day stuff like ‘I don't wanna go.’ or ‘I don't wanna eat that for breakfast.’ I'm talking about something every hour.” -- Adrian Kulp

Let your 3-year-olds climb trees and 5-year-olds use knives.“Children are drawn to the things we parents fear: high places, water, wandering far away, dangerous sharp tools. Our instinct is to keep them safe by childproofing their lives. But 'the most important safety protection you can give a child… is to let them take... risks.'" -- Christine Gross-Loh

Helicopter parents are everywhere -- except where they’re needed most.“There really is something very simple we can do to make our kids demonstrably safer. It isn't particularly sexy or heroic; it just means making changes to the most humdrum of daily routines. Why is it a solution so many parents won't hear?” -- Jennifer Mendelsohn

Having a toddler is like being in prison.“You're always terrified someone is going to crawl into your bed in the middle of the night.” -- Mike Julianelle

When all else fails, put a Band-Aid on it."Little children believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and the power of Band-Aids. If nothing else, trying to peel the backing off the adhesive distracts kids from what ails them." -- Melissa Sher


Childhood shouldn't be a race."Every child learns to walk, talk, read and do algebra at his own pace and ... it will have no bearing on how well he walks, talks, reads or does algebra." -- Alicia Bayer

Sometimes, you just have to slow down.“I will not say, 'We don't have time for this.' Because that is basically saying, 'We don't have time to live.'Pausing to delight in the simple joys of everyday life is the only way to truly live.(Trust me, I learned from the world's leading expert on joyful living.)”-- Rachel Macy Stafford

Two words you should always remember are "at least.""These two small words give me great perspective and remind me to chill out. I use them readily in any annoying but not yell worthy kid situation. 'He just dropped an entire jug of milk on the floor... at least it wasn't glass and at least he was trying to help!' I also use them readily when I want to give up: 'Okay, this is hard but at least there are only three hours until bedtime, not 12.'" -- The Orange Rhino

Give children choices.“Kids have very little control over their lives. They are constantly being told where to go, what to do and what to eat. A little bit of control goes a long way toward feeling happy. Let your kids choose their outfits. Allow them to choose the dinner menu one night per week. Ask them what classes they want to take. Give them the opportunity to make some decisions and watch them smile in return.” -- Katie Hurley

Pay attention.“If you pay attention, kids will teach you how to laugh loudly, how to love deeply and how to live fully. They will also ruin all your stuff.” -- Beth Woolsey

Get comfortable with (some) back-talk."Our families are where we first learn how to say 'No' in a safe, supportive environment. If we don't learn to do so there, we won't learn to do so anywhere. If our children can't say 'No' to us, they won't say it to anyone." -- Kelly M. Flanagan

Stop solving everything.“This one took me years to figure out. It's one that is really hard for dads to get good at because we love fixing and solving things.” -- Jim Higley

Share your sketchbook.“Try not to be so rigid. Yes, some things (like my new sketchbook) are sacred, but if you let go of those chains, new and wonderful things can happen. Those things you hold so dear cannot change and grow and expand unless you loosen your grip on them a little.” -- Mica Angela Hendricks

Don’t let yourself -- or your kids -- get bogged down in "first world problems.""I don't know the answer to how to raise a kid who isn't whiny and annoying and who doesn't think that Pinterest stress is really a thing worth lamenting. But I do know that as a parent, it begins with me." -- Lyz Lenz

Face it: You won’t be as enthusiastic about school in May as you were in October.“Mom out there sending Lunchables with your kid, making her wear shoes with holes because we're.almost.there, practicing 'auditory reading' with your first grader, I got your back, sister. We were awesome back in October; don't you forget that. We used to care, and that counts for something.” -- Jen Hatmaker

Bring the holidays down a notch."Fellow parents: St. Patrick's Day is supposed to be a ‘phone-it-in’ holiday. Yes, I've turned into a bit of a grinch, but SERIOUSLY WITH THE HOLIDAY OVERKILL. It used to be Christmas was the main event, but now it's as if every holiday must be at a Level 10." -- Kristen Howerton

Tame the "Worry Monster."“Teaching kids about how fear and worry work in their bodies, and specific thinking and doing strategies to fight the Worry Monster, empowers them to take a stand against this bully. It's time for us to take the Worry Monster down once and for all and turn our worriers into warriors.” -- Daniel B. Peters, PhD

Parent like there is a repairman in the basement.“After I realized how ridiculously careful I was being, I decided I should always parent my kids as if there was a drywall repairman in the basement. If they deserved all of my patience in the presence of a stranger, then they deserve all of my patience all of the time.” -- Jessica Rassette

Revel in the sweet spot."If raising children is like baseball or swimming, getting it right must be a cocktail of luck, faith, and showing up every day to do the work. And of course, never quitting (even when it all seems like a hopeless goat rodeo)." -- Julianna W. Miner


The minute we give our kids a gadget, we become responsible for whatever happens next.“Checking our kids' news feeds to see what they are viewing, scrolling through their profiles to see what they're posting, investigating the people who want to follow them, finding out who they've given their password to and monitoring all of their accounts (because most kids have more than one Instagram account, in case you didn't know) doesn't make us helicopter parents. It makes us smart parents.” -- Hollee Becker

Show, don’t tell, your kids about the power of interacting IRL.“Bottom line: Our children need a break. But what should we do? And how do we convince them of the dangers of something that has become so central to their existence?” -- Katie Anderson Beware distracted living.“We live in an age where we are constantly fed messages that we should try to do as much as we can as fast as we can; to live at maximum efficiency. Except when we shouldn't. How many homework assignments and extracurricular activities and educational apps and appointments and meetings and spin classes and returned email messages and social media sites and DVRd shows and any number of things with varying degrees of importance do we try to cram into any one day?” -- Jennifer Meer


Don’t tell your daughter her body looks amazing.Instead, “[r]emind [her] that the best thing she can do with her body is to use it to mobilize her beautiful soul.” -- Sarah Koppelkam Dads, your daughter needs you as a role model for how she should be treated by boys and men.“No matter her sexual orientation, your daughter will live in a world with boys and men. Pay attention to the way you address her as well as to the way you talk about women.” -- Joyce McFadden

Let your daughter express herself.“Yes, kids might tease her... you know it happens. But the only thing worse than that is teaching her that she should make choices in life solely based on how other people (not even people she cares about) might perceive them.” -- Jackie Morgan MacDougall

Our daughters can be excellent role models for us.“She's beautiful and smart and funny and graceful and witty and brilliant, and for four years, I nodded my head in agreement with every Joe off the street who told me she is exactly like me... when I thought exactly none of those things about myself.” -- Brittany Gibbons


"Soft" is not an insult.“They'll tell you you aren't a real man. That you're something else. They won't say it directly. They'll say it in advertisements and characters in movies and ‘the American way’ and the hot men that always get the hot women.But the bravest thing you can do, kid, is to keep that softness intact, to let that heart stay open for all the pain it will entail.” -- Janelle Hanchett

Talk to your son about everything.“Let him tell you about girls, friends, school. Listen. Ask questions. Share dreams, hopes, concerns. He is not only your son, you are not only his father. Be his friend too.” -- Sarah Driscoll But specifically, talk about sex."When you have the 'avoid getting raped' conversation with your daughter, it is difficult, as you don't want to imagine her as a victim. The idea of having the 'don't rape' conversation with your son is more difficult as you don't ever want to imagine him as a perpetrator. Do it anyway." -- Carina Kolodny

The “princess culture” doesn’t only affect girls.“A funny thing happened when I met my son -- I started to realize how destructive girl power can be to boys.” -- Dresden Shumaker


Parenting can be brutal.

Real life isn’t picture perfect, especially where children are concerned.“Kids are messy and uncooperative and frustrating, as well as adorable and sweet and charming. Shouldn’t we document and share all of that? Years from now, the pictures you’ll appreciate most are the ones that truly reflect your life at any given moment in time.” -- Jill Smokler

You. are. not. alone.“The other moms in preschool, at the grocery store, at work, at school, at co-op classes, at the doctor's office, at where ever you may be, well chances are that they might feel tired as well. Wondering about all this motherhood stuff. Yet, still giving of self for those kids that you love.” -- Rachel M. Martin

Moms need to stay in the picture -- for their children, and for themselves.“We must not just stay in the pictures for our kids; we must do it for ourselves. Pictures of us say: we laughed, we loved, we had adventures, we felt pain. We lived. We were perfectly their mothers... and perfectly ourselves.” -- Allison Tate Special needs moms are not easily offended. “Despite what our social media status updates say, we are vulnerable, and life messes with us daily. So really, ask what you want to ask and it's OK to start with 'I don't really know how to say this, how to ask you....' I am especially touched when someone cares enough to ask me how my child is feeling, or how to include my child in a social gathering, meal or other event, and am happy to collaborate on what will work for us.” -- Suzanne Perryman

Don’t judge a parent by the tantrum.“A kid going berserk at a grocery store doesn't indicate the quality of his parents, anymore than a guy getting pneumonia after he spends six hours naked in the snow indicates the quality of his doctor.” -- Matt Walsh

Don’t alienate your non-kid-having friends."It's not a competition. If, on a scale of 1 to Passing Out Awkwardly in the Shower and Waking Up When the Hot Water Runs Out, your friend is at a 7, and three weeks into your first newborn you were at a 9, that DOESN'T MAKE YOUR FRIEND ANY LESS TIRED." -- John Kinnear

Thank the people who make a difference."To nurses everywhere: You should know that you have made a difference to so many people in this world, my family included, and I cannot thank you enough." -- Mike Spohr

Your love story is not boring."This is love with the lights on and eyes wide open. This is the brave love, the scared love, the sacred boring, the holy ordinary over sinks of dirty dishes and that one cupboard in the kitchen with the broken hinge." -- Lisa-Jo Baker

Needing a break isn't the same thing as wanting a vacation."When I get a break at the end of my day, I don't use it to have fun. … I do whatever I need to do, in that moment, to feel like I deserve to exist. I do what I need to do to feel sane and stable and capable of keeping up with the never-ending needs of my beautiful children." -- Amanda King

You're not going to have the perfect solution for everything -- and that's fine."You are not a terrible parent if you yell at your kids sometimes. You have little dictators living in your house. If someone else talked to you like that, they'd be put in prison.

You are not a terrible parent if you can't figure out how to calmly give them appropriate consequences in real time for every single act of terrorism that they so creatively devise.

You are not a terrible parent if you'd rather be at work.

You are not a terrible parent if you just can't wait for them to go to bed." -- Steve Wiens

It’s time to stop treating dads like idiots."I've seen dads criticized and made fun of for how they dress the baby. For how they feed the baby. For how they handle things differently than moms. Despite the fact that most first-time moms are just as clueless and confused as first-time dads, it's chic to make fun of the dads, while moms are assumed to know absolutely everything." -- Aaron Gouveia

You are better than you think.“No matter how many doubts you might have, you never need doubt this one thing: You are not perfect. And that's good. Because really, neither is your child. And that means nobody can care for them the way you can, with the wealth of your understanding and your experience.” -- Lea Grover

Parenting is the most important thing to many of us and so it's also the place we're most vulnerable. “We're all a little afraid we're doing it wrong. But even when we're scared -- we can still choose. We can choose to see each other as competition or as fellow warriors -- fighting the same fight on the same team. One goal -- many paths. We can learn from each other. We can even ENJOY each other.” -- Glennon Melton

It’s more than enough to be "just" OK."That's right. I don't aspire to be the World's Greatest Mom. I don't even try. I am perfectly happy being the World's Okayest Mom and no one's childhood will be ruined by that." -- Jen M.L.

Nearly all of us struggle to feel beautiful in our own skin -- but we shouldn’t."My dream is to be a part of a movement of being kind to ourselves and to others and witness a generation of young people that no longer waste years of precious life on self-loathing like I have because they think they are un-beautiful." -- Jade Beall

Don’t tell a working mom you “don’t know how she does it.”“I don't know how I do it. But I don't think that's because I work, I think it's because parenting is hard whether you stay at home or go off to the office. I don't know how any of us do it. It's glorious and rewarding and full of love and it is the hardest thing I've ever done. Balancing kids with anything else, whether a paying job or running a household or finding time to watch Honey Boo Boo, is nearly impossible.” -- Devon Corneal

The kids are all right. It's the people trying to convince us otherwise who are in desperate need of attention.“This post is for my mom and all the moms, because now I know how many sacrifices it took to raise us, and now I understand the unshakable guilt in parenting, and now I realize that I had all the attention I could ever need, and that moms deserve time when they're not tending to kids, and that no one has a right to say how moms spend that time -- no one gets to decide what's worthy and what's wasted.” -- Brenna Jennings

Calm the f*ck down.Step 1. Calm the f*ck down.Step 2. There is no second step.-- David Vienna


Remember, every age has its peculiar charms.For evidence, see these lovely pieces by Aidan Donnelly Rowley, Kristen Levithan, Nina Badzin, Galit Breen, Allison Tate, Bethany Meyer, Tracy Morrison, Amanda Magee, Denise Ullem and Lindsey Mead.

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Before You Go

Love in One Photo
Emmy and Zoe(01 of148)
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(credit:Ron Brounes )
Della and Sully (02 of148)
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(credit:Nicolette DeLuccia Velez)
Jackson and Mickey(03 of148)
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The love between this dog and this boy is as pure as pure love comes! Jackson and Mickey Dog. Best friends forever!!!!! (credit:Tracy Rannazzisi)
Julia and Dad(04 of148)
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These two pictures are of our daughter Julia (9 months old) "talking" to her Daddy over Skype while he was deployed to Afghanistan. (credit:Trish Schnabel)
Gavin and Riana(05 of148)
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It was taken two years ago by our friend. It was actually not planned and she just caught the shot as I was stealing a kiss. (credit:Riana Sherman)
Talya and Sam(06 of148)
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Love at first sight! This was taken 2 days after she was born. (credit:Jill Patir)
Melina and Avi (07 of148)
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This photo is from September 2010. I had just shaved my head for St. Baldricks in honor of my son Levi, pictured. He was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer (Medulloblastoma) in 2004 when he was only four. Surgery to remove the tumor left him mute, paralyzed and incontinent. He relearned all his life skills while undergoing multiple surgeries, chemotherapy and intense radiation. He is my hero. (credit:Melina Mayo)
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This photo is at our wedding day, our daughter ran up to be with us at the alter. (credit:Amanda Oberhaus)
Angie Ray(09 of148)
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My 6 year old Lucie with her then 5-days new little brother Eliot. Her expression was not posed, I had wanted her to look at the camera but he did a little sigh in his sleep and she said “aww” and turned her head towards him and closed her eyes. I teared up as I clicked the shutter, so magical. (credit:Angie Ray)
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Baby brother's first haircut (credit:Cali Bellini)
Julia and Chloe(11 of148)
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(credit:Mark Strug)
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(credit:Julie Baruch)
Evan and Lexi(13 of148)
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(credit:Lindsay W. Cohen)
Logan, Marci and Lily(14 of148)
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(credit:Marci Gilbert )
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This is my definition of love. Sister love. (credit:Lisa Hewson)
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(credit:Theresa Wransky)
Nathan and Danielle (17 of148)
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(credit:Danielle Kruger)
Emerson, Savannah and Tanya(18 of148)
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Here are my two "everythings"-kissing me!!! (credit:Tanya Radoff)
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(credit:Amber Lippon)
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My 9 yo and Kira. A rescue from the Austin Humane Society. (credit:Laura Hammons)
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(credit:Mina Padalino)
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Samantha, Lucy, Parker and Simon(24 of148)
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Taken at the homebirth of my daughter, Lucy Nova, on 1/9/09 with her brothers Parker and Simon present and eager. (credit:Samantha Cook)
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This is my son and his new born baby sister (credit:Molly Buesgens)
Petra and Ivan(26 of148)
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The attached photo is of my 3-year-old twins, Petra and Ivan. They're both on the autism spectrum, but Ivan's powers of speech are far more advanced than Petra's, and on some level he seems to know this. He makes sure she's not overlooked when we're doing family things, and occasionally takes her hand to walk with her when we're out. If she pulls away he reaches out to grab her hand again, to make sure she doesn't get left behind! (credit:Kris Harrison)
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(credit:Heather Smith)
Joanna and Luke(28 of148)
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This is a picture I took of my son and daughter while hiking. (credit:Bill Rosenbalm)
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Brothers and sister through adoption. (credit: Lisa Bushman)
Carly and Brooklyn (30 of148)
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Carly helps little sister Brooklyn enjoy a lollipop. Brooklyn has a gross motor disability (Rett Syndrome) so she can't use her hands purposefully. (credit:Jeremy Springhart)
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(credit:Rachael Schroeder)
Riley and Benjamin(32 of148)
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(credit:Jennifer Rosenfeld)
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This picture was taken one Sunday afternoon when we were leaving Church. My daughter had been getting upset during the Mass because she was missing her Auntie who had passed away earlier that year from cancer. She told her brother how she was feeling as they were leaving. He put his arm around her, hugged her and kissed her forehead telling her that everthing was going to be alright. As they walked the remainder of the way to our car, they held hands. It was so precious. They did this all on their own. This is the true definition of sibling love at it's finest! I just walked quietly behind soaking it all in. (And of course taking a picture like any good mom would :) (credit:Carolyn Coppola)
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(credit:Naomi Gillis)
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(credit:Melissa Brown)
JJ, Mr. Teddy, Jeter and Minnie(36 of148)
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JJ (boy)Mr. Teddy (the white butt)Jeter (the orange cat)Minnie (the kitten) We just had to put Jeter to sleep yesterday after 15 years of warmth and sweetness :'( (credit:Erin Moussa )
Holli and Chelsea(37 of148)
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This is me and my daughter, Chelsea. If I ever doubt that I am loved, this picture reminds me otherwise. (credit:Holli Powell)
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(credit:Olga Vieira)
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This is a picture of my then 16 year old son and his 12 year old sister about 6 weeks after she was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. It is the first day of school and I think it's easy to see the tragic love he feels.Hope Alizah Kimlee Fuller6/26/97 born 7/29/09 diagnosed with DIPG 3/10/10 died (credit:Deb Fuller)
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My sons... love how affectionate they are with each other. (credit:Toral Patel Jendi)
Aiden and Ryan(41 of148)
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Aiden gets wrestling tips from his big brother, Ryan (credit:Carol)
Emily and Elliot(42 of148)
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This is a picture of my son, Elliot and I on his first birthday. Hehad just finished digging into his birthday cake and I was giving hima drink of water. We have a really special connection. I'm a singlemom and he is the best thing that ever happened to me. Love!! (credit:Elliot and Emily )
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(credit:Murphy Doreen)
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(credit:Kirbie Brown)
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Caught this picture of my husband and (at the time) 2mo old son catching a cat nap. Look at the smile of pure satisfaction (love) on my son's face. Neither would have wanted to be any other place in the entire world.
Ben and Lucy (46 of148)
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(credit:Allison Tate)
Elias and Jackson(47 of148)
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Big brother (Elias - 2.5 yo) meeting baby brother (Jackson - 1 day old) for the first time. (credit:Ashley Ruiz)
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Love is the first of many a newborn will take...first steps... (credit:Brenda Mendoza)
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(credit:Tiffany Mathews)
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The moment I met my twins. (credit:Doreen Murphy )
Angela and Dad(51 of148)
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This image was taken moments after mom, who had been looking on, had *that moment* - that moment when you realize your entire world has changed – that moment as a new mother that takes your breath away. Her eyes filled with tears of overwhelming joy and love and got both of us, the dna photographers, and the daddy to well up – the only one not crying was the 8 day old little angel in daddy’s arms. (credit:dna | photography)
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(credit:Marisa Jagadich)
Roman and Liliana(54 of148)
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(credit:Candace Sheitelman)
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My four year old son with his Daddy doll while his Daddy was deployed. (credit:Erin Henderschedt)
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(credit:Jessie S. Hegwood)
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When we brought our son home from the hospital, I was not able to cradle him close to me. So every morning my husband tucked our little one in his robe and held him 'skin to skin' because I couldn't. (credit:Trisha Paradis)
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(credit:Elizabeth Ross)
David, Maisie, William and Johnny (60 of148)
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Our baby was born with hemolytic disease and was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for two weeks. This was when his brothers and sister woke up and discovered he was home with us. This was their first time seeing him with no wires, tubes or monitors. He is seventeen months old now and they still adore him as much as they did then. Bob and Jennifer Quinlan, along with David- age 12, Maisie- age 9, William- age 8 and Johnny- age one. (credit:Jennifer Quinlan)
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(credit:Heidi Bjugstad)
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(credit:Leah Romig)
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They are best friends! (credit:Maggie Fay)
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Sisters meeting each other for the first time. Tori age 2 and dani 18 hrs old (credit:Helen)
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My grandmother suffered from lung cancer months before my daughter was born, devastating news to our family . In this picture my daughter was just three weeks old as she was entertained by Grandma's charming Southern stories, old wives' tales, and superstitious expressions. Grandma loved her the minute she knew she was coming and every day she has been gone, I know that Grandma would love the little girl she has grown into. This picture is a constant reminder of the important 'things' in my life. (credit:Sara Gooley)
Kori and Dad (66 of148)
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This photo was taken in September 2012. Our daughter Kori Jo was headed in for surgery on her eyes.....I caught this moment between Kori and her Daddy. We were havin a grand old time after she had been given the 'juice', and she fell right in to this beautiful moment with her biggest fan. (credit:Amy Bement )
J.R. and Dad (67 of148)
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(credit:Amy Gaffney)
Daddy, Garrett and Jacob(68 of148)
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(credit:Jennifer Shirley )
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This is a picture of my son meeting his Great grandmother for the first time ..I see love when I look at this picture. (credit:Karen Deroma )
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(credit:Jillian Baker)
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How much do I love that my photography student captured the love of my life in this series? My lives/loves all converge here: son, photography, teaching, learning. We traded photo shoots, so I'll send one of her with her dad that I took, in a separate email. (credit:Mao Mei Sonkin)
Amy and Noa (72 of148)
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(credit:Amy Haneline)
Carson and Savanna (73 of148)
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My 5yo son, Carson, and his 7yo sister, Savanna. Carson has Leukemia (T-Cell ALL) - and was 3 months into treatment when I took this picture. This pictures says 1,000 words about the sibling bond they have for one another and the strength and laughter that goes along with it. I couldn't be any luckier than to have these amazing kiddos in my life. (credit:Kimberly Lenardson)
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(credit:Betsy Sergeant Snow)
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I happily submit this photo of me, my husband and our sweet baby boy who was born on Jan. 6, 2013. Our family was created through the miracle of open adoption, and we will be forever grateful for our son's birthmother and birthfather! (credit:Kyle Rose)
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This is by far my absolute favorite photo of our fraternal twins when they were about four months old. I love the look on both of their faces. A special bond that only twins share. (credit:Tina Miller)
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(credit:Kristina Sracic)
Asha and Jaisal(78 of148)
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Asha, age 3 hugs little brother -- 1 year old Jaisal. (credit:Mika Rao)
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Unfortunately taking a photo in the dark resulted in it being a little blurry, but I can't think of a picture that shows my 3 and 5 year olds' love for one another. They insist on sharing a little twin sized bed on the top bunk. (credit:Melissa Smith )
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(credit:Katy Wood)
Keona and Micah (81 of148)
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Little Keona Sky of Denver, Colorado has been hospitalized for weeks with rare infant botulism and is slowly improving. This is a photo of her Keona with her big brother Micah as he finally gets to visit her in the hospital.Keona's mommy, Kari Henkel, is the sister of a dear friend of mine. (credit:Kristy Roloff)
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(credit:Melissa Keller)
Ray and Mati (83 of148)
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(credit:Agata Rocka Stadiem )
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Love = My son and his dog sharing love and comfort when my son arrived home after a week of chemo. (credit:Jo Reed)
Emma and Sophie(85 of148)
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(credit:Michelle Morris )
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(credit:Elizabeth Redman)
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It's blurry, but in this photo my 4 year old daughter Allie was introducing her 6 year old sister Ansley to her classmates as her show and tell "item." The way she is gazing up at Ansley is so full of sisterly love. (Teacher in background)I just wish I had my big camera to capture the moment, but I'm also so grateful phones have cameras or I would've missed it completely. (credit:Andi Prather)
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Kacie and Avrie(89 of148)
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This photo is of my two youngest children, Kacie and Avrie in June 2011. Kacie was 6, and Avrie was about 6 weeks. Kacie just bent over and gently kissed Avrie's hand. This photo captured the love between two sisters perfectly, as their eyes meet, little Avrie smiles up at her big sister. And that admiration continues today.Kacie made the transition from being the little sister of Zachary, to middle child, and big sister to Avrie flawlessly. There is no one she loves more, than her little sister. (credit:Jennie Eckhaus-Katz)
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This is an image I took of my 2 step-children and our new son.The things you do for love... (credit:Kate Heller-Thomas)
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I took this picture of my sister during labor. She went through a lot for the love of my nephew, and my brother in law was by her side because of the love he had for his wife and unborn son.
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(credit:Katie Warren)
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Davey and Bailey (94 of148)
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This is Davey, age 1, and Bailey, age 13. Taken in July 2012. She's so protective, and he's so in love with her. It's amazing to watch them together.. (credit:Kathy W. )
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This is my favorite photo of my boys (so far)BFFs :) (credit:Jenn Arvizu)
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My son is almost 4 years old, but this is the photo that will always represent "Love" for me. He was diagnosed with a condition called craniosynostosis when he was two months old. He underwent surgery to treat this condition- which involved surgically removing a portion of his skull when he was 4 months old. This photo was taken the day after his surgery. He is smiling at me (love) and my husband is holding his hand (love). This was the moment when I knew my baby was still my baby, and everything was going to be okay. I couldn't believe he was awake and alert enough to smile the very next day, and as banged up as he looked, he's never looked more beautiful in my eyes. (credit:Nancy Koons)
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Here, Mommy...eat a shell! (credit:Lisa Giannakopulos)
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This was taken at the Oregon Coast last fall. They are getting older and argue a bit more than usual but the love and reliance on one another is priceless. Thank you for letting me share my finest work (credit:Connie Hanson)
Joan and Danisa(99 of148)
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(credit:Tammy Fasick)
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(credit:Pamela Rodriguez)
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This is my 9 week old son, Haaken meeting his 95 year old great-gramma for the first time. So much love in that squeeze. (credit:Jill Hadland)
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(credit:Monica Schreiber)
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(credit:Natalia Díaz)
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My son is a mommy's boy, but on this one day, he chose to snuggle with Daddy after work. (credit:Norma Reynolds)
Alexis and Liam(105 of148)
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Let me introduce Alexis and Liam, siblings, ages 4 and 2 respectively. I'm a single mother and they are my rock. They were meant to be together, we make a wonderful family of three. (credit:Sarah Valois)
Will and Mom (106 of148)
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My son Will and I reuniting after my first long weekend away from him. (credit:Sara Lanthier)
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(credit:Jaclynn Saathoff)
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(credit:Miranda Harvey)
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This is the day my boys and my husband's girls became a family. (credit:Elizabeth Denham)
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Hailey and Dylan (111 of148)
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This photo of my 3 year old daughter, Hailey, and her baby brother, Dylan defines love for me. The expression on her face is pure, happy love for her brother and it makes this mama so happy every time I look at it. (credit:Erin Coulter)
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Big bro and little sis. True sibling love! (credit:Jean Heffernan)
Nathaniel and Nicolas(113 of148)
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My 2 year old twin boys that touches my heart Everytime I see it. Nathaniel lending a foot to his brother Nicolas while they enjoy some tv time (credit:Tanya Perez)
Ezra and Aria(114 of148)
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(credit:Alex Trufin)
Sophia and Kerri (115 of148)
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One of my many, many definitions of love for my daughter Sophia: showing her how important it is to seek out those little languid pockets in time that are made precisely for being silly and laughing at ourselves.You are your own best friend, first and foremost. If you can't laugh at yourself, you're missing out - big time! (credit:Kerri Beauchesne)
Evan and Allison (116 of148)
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(credit:Lisa Belkin)
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(credit:Lisa Belkin )
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(credit:Sara Morris)
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Liam and Kevin(120 of148)
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After 20 years of infertility and adopting 3 wonderful children who were now teenagers through some weird glitch in my body I became pregnant with Liam. Being almost forty and not very healthy it was a risky and complicated pregnancy. My oldest, my son Kevin was apprehensive and a bit angry at first becasue he was so worried about losing me and frankly a bit jealous about what this new birth child would mean to the family. Liam came early but healthy and the kids were allowed to see him while I waited in the ICU for them to see me. When Kevin walked in he was crying and told me Liam was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and he was so glad I had him, a sentiment shared by sisters Alissa and Ashley aas well. This is a picture of the boys hands on the first day Liam was out of the incubator. (credit:Patricia Young Murray)
Ashton and Pekoe(121 of148)
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(credit: Jlyn Roberts)
Puppy Love (122 of148)
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(credit:Sonya )
Alex, Sidney and Lacey(123 of148)
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(credit:Alexander Crockett)
New Daddy (124 of148)
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(credit:Kristin Shaw)
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(credit:Vanessa Martinez)
Amelia and Heidi (126 of148)
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(credit:Samantha Griffiths )
My Twins (127 of148)
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(credit:Michele Baransky)
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(credit:Brenda Mendoza)
Love At First Sight (129 of148)
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(credit:Susan L. Macdonald)
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(credit:Marcela K.)
James and Chris(131 of148)
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(credit:Melannie Eldridge)
Charlie and Jameson (132 of148)
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Taylor, Damien & Brandon (134 of148)
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(credit:Mandy and Brendon Hodge )
Kennedy and Madison (135 of148)
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(credit:Tyjanna Lehman)
Sophia and her Dad (136 of148)
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(credit:Sasha Tweel )
Brady and I (137 of148)
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(credit:Colleen Finnell)
Ethan, Madisin and I (138 of148)
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(credit:B. Rebales)
Ramsey and Daddy Having a Blast(139 of148)
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(credit:Janaia Rhea)
Kisses for Sister(140 of148)
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(credit:Roddie Sutherland )
Lila Kate (141 of148)
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(credit:Elizabeth Batman )
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(credit:Rendy Lemke )
Fred and Eli (143 of148)
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(credit:Roy Sholto-Douglas)
Ruby And Her Brother (144 of148)
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(credit:Blake Logan )
Julia and Katie(145 of148)
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(credit:Karen Griffiths)
Jack and I(146 of148)
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(credit:Tracey Wiseheart)
Brothers Nolan and Waylon(147 of148)
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(credit:Danielle Dura )
Jack and Miles(148 of148)
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(credit:Tara Smith)

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