From the very first "Housewives of Orange County" show, I was hooked. As the years went on and the new versions started popping up in the different cities, I became obsessed. What was this magnetism that had a hold on my appetite for entertainment?
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From the very first Housewives of Orange County show, I was hooked. As the years went on and the new versions started popping up in the different cities, I became obsessed. What was this magnetism that had a hold on my appetite for entertainment?

I would rearrange my schedule just not to miss an episode. Recording it was not an option, I needed it immediately. At the very same time, my own life was unraveling. I was going through unimaginable adversity.

I soon realized that was the reason I needed this escape from my own living hell. Not too long after, I realized another thing. These shows are not real life. They are edited to only let us see what they want us to see.

When the real stuff hits the fan, we only find out about it after the fact. A suicide, a miscarriage, a separation, surrogacy, disease etc. Yes, they are real people and they all have real problems. In the eyes of many, that is far from glamorous. In truth, there is nothing glamorous to any of these situations, but they are what makes a person a person. Substance comes from depth, purpose and also setbacks.

The obsessed society of people who adore the Kardashians make me wonder what the future might hold for the young girls of today. I almost can understand why I love the Mob Wives, these girls are full of fight and vigor and I applaude them for it. Their natural ability to not care what other people might say about them gets my cheers every time. They didn't choose the lives they were dealt, but they accepted it and made the best out of it. They can walk with their heads held up high and be proud.

I have made it my mission to change how women are seen on TV. Real women are beautiful, sexy, glamorous and full of light. No more talentless, over exposed fake women please. These are not the role models we want our daughters and granddaughters to see in the media.

We cannot take lightly how our young girls are absorbing what they see on TV. Compare your childhood to theirs and think back to what your media consisted of. I know that mine was full of sitcoms, the afternoon specials, family dramas that taught values and variety shows. Now they are made up of teenage intervention, teenage pregnancies and graphic music videos. We wonder why this generation has so many kids acting out and are overwhelmed by adult problems and fears while trying to just be a kid.

It's time for a change, There are many women like myself who have made it to the other side of adversities, became successful and I are proud to be a role models. Now it's time for us to be in the media!