Mighty Movie Podcast: Ben Wheatley on <em>Kill List</em>

What starts out as common, garden-variety crime thriller turns... bizarre, and then frightening, in director Ben Wheatley's twisty new film,.
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What starts out as common, garden-variety crime thriller turns... bizarre, and then frightening, in director Ben Wheatley's twisty new film, Kill List. The tale of middle class hit-man Jay (Neil Maskell), who with colleague Gal (Michael Smiley) goes out for one more job and discovers blood oaths, strange rites, and disturbingly grateful targets have been thrown into the bargain, the film allows Wheatley to hook the rough-edged shooting style he explored in his debut effort, Down Terrace, to a world that has room for both examinations of a tempestuous home life and the graphic shocks of classic horror. Think In Bruges meets The Wicker Man, then forget about all that and prepare to get righteously freaked-out.

Click on the player to hear my interview with Wheatley.

UNFORTUNATE TECHNICAL NOTE: Our usual podcast host has started giving us agita, apparently because we are just that popular, so we've temporarily switched to another service and had to downgrade our audio quality as a result. We'll get this snag patched up and be back to the rich, beautiful sound you expect from MMP as soon as possible.

SEE THE TRAILER AT mightymoviepodcast.com