Save Steve Holt: 'Arrested Development' Fans Rally Around Actor Justin Grant Wade

'Arrested Development' Fans Start 'Save Steve Holt' Movement
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Fans of "Arrested Development" are rallying in support of one of the show's most beloved (albeit minor) characters.

While the community was ecstatic over news of the show's return, it appears that Justin Grant Wade, the actor who plays George Oscar Bluth Jr.'s illegitimate son Steve Holt[!] has yet to be invited back.

And so the Save Steve Holt movement was born. Armed with a website, a blog and some Steve Holt t-shirts, fans are hoping to pressure the show's producers into bringing Grant Wade back to the show.

The actor himself appears in a video on the website and confirms that he has yet to be asked back for the upcoming fourth season and feature film based on the series. He's also grown quite a beard since we last saw him.

According to Grant Wade, a portion of the proceeds of t-shirts sold from the site will go to "a very good cause." He did not specify which cause.

The Huffingon Post has reached out to Grant Wade for comment.

Though he was a minor character, the student body president was one of the quirky show's trademarks (a post on IFC's website describes him as a "walking catchphrase").

The first of the three series of "Arrested Development" aired in 2003. Though the show amassed a cult following, it never found a large enough audience and Fox canceled the show in 2006. In January of this year, after years of mixed messages from the cast, it was confirmed that the show's "entire cast" would be returning for a fourth season and a feature film based on the series.

Netflix will stream season four of "Arrested" in early 2013 as part of its push for more original content.


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